How Dare They

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Sero let out an irritated growl and jabbed his thumb into the down button of the elevator grumpily as he tried to ignore the boatloads of pink streamers that lined the hallway he had just come down. The pink only served as a reminder of that backstabbing bitch Mina. Just up and abandoning them. Abandoning the sad singles squad. And Kaminari! He had been there for Mina's betrayal— they cried together, watched sad romcoms and moped about how single they were together, cut her out of the group polaroid together— and this was how he treated his best friend?! Ditching him for some purple-haired son of a hobo?!

Okay. Not the point. Insulting Shinso wasn't going to get him anywhere. The point was that Kaminari was disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful. Mina too.

So now the sad singles squad was just the sad single. Alone again. How pitifully ironic. But this time, he was super ultra alone, with no friends to complain about being single to. Thanks guys.

But he couldn't be mad at them. Not really. At least they were making the most of their Valentine's Day. Actually, just about everyone in the class was out doing Valentine's Day things, sharing a milkshake with two straws and giving chocolates and all those mushy-gushy Valentine's things. Everyone but him. But good for them, or whatever. At least they were out there being happy. Besides, there was nothing stopping him from getting a milkshake with two straws and drinking it all by himself. He had money and no dignity. Anything was possible.

Finally, finally the elevator doors slid open, and Sero trudged in, poking the first floor button with much more anger than necessary. But he was allowed to be angry, goddammit.

He scowled as the elevator descended, the dumb stupid pop song rotting his brain. Ugh. How could anything be worse than normal elevator music? And whose bright idea was it to change the elevator music to love songs on Valentine's Day? Well, whoever they were, they were a cruel, cruel bastard.

Just as the talk of 'holding me tight' was getting too much for Sero to handle and he was seriously contemplating taping over the speaker— the elevator doors slid open and he was freed from his prison.

He stomped through the common room and into the kitchen, where he scowled at the glittery red pink and white hearts scattered across the counters, courtesy of Aoyama and Hagakure. Those two were a dangerous pair, especially when they could rope Yaoyorozu into their schemes. Her ability to make pounds upon pounds of glitter and paper decorations with the blink of an eye was extremely valuable, according to them. And based on the sheer amount of decorations in the kitchen alone, Sero could safely assume that they had gotten her in on it. Also all of the rose petals. Because there were a lot of rose petals and Yaoyorozu was the only person capable of either making all of those rose petals out of thin air, or being rich enough to buy a ton of roses and scatter the petals all throughout the kitchen for the aesthetic, or whatever.

Sero just thought it was a nuisance and a terror to the people in this building that had pollen allergies.

Did he have a pollen allergy? Well no, he didn't, but he was just looking out for all the people that did! Did he know if anyone in his class had a pollen allergy? Also no. But it was just in case someone spontaneously developed one and broke out into a rash.

Yeah. Because that totally could happen.

Sero sighed and kept walking until he reached the fridge, where he grabbed the handle, yanked open the freezer and peered into it. Denki better not have eaten his sherbert. He couldn't take another heartbreak. Hmm. Well, maybe he could. Kaminari had been buzzing with excitement and rambling like Midoriya about his date with Shinso once he got it, so Sero could very easily barge in and demand it back. Or at least some sort of compensation. Hmm. Maybe he'd steal the breadsticks.

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