Problem Solver

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Sero didn't like studying. And for a lot of good reasons. For one, he wasn't smart. He knew this for a fact. And studying when you weren't smart sucked. Really, really sucked. Why? Because he never knew if what he was saying was right or wrong, and if he tried to set those 'every five problems you get a reward' systems, he would just... ignore them. Why? Because Sero knew the guy setting those arbitrary rules and he was full of shit. So he couldn't study by himself. That was whatever. Next step?

Study with his friends! Unfortunately, his friends were all dumbasses too. ADHD dumbasses who could go from polynoma-whatsits to 'if teeth were sentient, would they like getting brushed?' in a matter of minutes. Thanks, Kaminari. And even when Kirishima convinced Bakugo to tutor them in one big study session, things went downhill. Fast.

When they were bored (which was most of the time), Kaminari and Mina took it upon themselves to snoop around Bakugo's room while the other distracted him, in an attempt to find all of dirty secrets, or love letters, or All Might fanboy merch, or whatever. All Sero knew was that the first time that happened, they'd all gotten kicked out and Bakugo couldn't be within six feet of them for the next two days, or else he'd start foaming out the mouth and plotting to commit first degree murder.

But even when those two didn't feel like putting all of their lives on the line to see if Bakugo had a crush on someone (they had dedication, Sero would admit that), Bakugo wasn't exactly the... nicest. And yeah, just about anyone could tell that by just looking at the guy, you'd think he'd have a bit more compassion when it came to teaching others. But this was Bakugo they were talking about. Probably knew how to do polynoma-whatsits since he was in diapers, so he had no patience to try and explain anything in a way that made sense— or tried explaining it at all, really. He would just yell and smack them with textbooks, as if he could just give them the knowledge through enough blunt-force trauma.

Fortunately, he couldn't, so he stopped (at least for a little while) but unfortunately, yet again, Sero was out of a study group. Because studying with Bakugo was a death sentence and he wished not to perish. So he was back on his quest to find a study group where he actually learned things, his life wasn't put in danger, and he didn't feel like a complete idiot. Said quest brought him to the library, and Yaomomo's weekly study groups.

Things went great at first! There were other people who had as few brain cells as he did, the fact that they were in the library meant that even if they did goof off, they couldn't be loud unless they wanted to get kicked out, and because the other members weren't complete dumbasses, they could check their answers and correct one another, even when Yaomomo was busy doing one-on-one with someone else.

But there were problems. Because of course there were.

Usually, he was the lowest-ranked person in the group. Needed the most help. Needed time and attention that Yaomomo didn't really have time for. The other students needed their questions addressed too. And then there was the placement. The library. Ugh. The library sucked. It smelled like old books and hand sanitizer (smells that didn't mix well) and it was too quiet and too cold. All the time. It didn't help that the librarian was an uptight retired pro who could probably snap Sero's neck if he felt like it.

Oh, and the tables sucked. No matter how many they mashed together, there never seemed to be enough room for all of them to work comfortably. He always seemed to be resting an oversized elbow on Ojiro's math worksheet or accidentally kicking Hagakure when he tried to stretch.

Double oh— there were no snacks allowed. His blood sugar suffered.

And then there was Yaomomo herself. As great as she was, and as passionate and as caring as she was about helping her classmates learn, she didn't help. Not enough. Her melodious voice only served to distract him, and even when he could pay attention, the way she explained everything was just so boring. He knew she was trying her best, but that best just didn't work for him. So it was back to his quest to find the perfect study group.

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