Act 2: The Labyrinth Part 1

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A soft grunt escapes my lips as I land on something. My eyes slowly open, a soft groan escaping my lips. I was face down in something soft, lifting myself up. Looking up, I see the bright flames of the engine as they roar to life. 

Letting out a sigh, I look at the pile that I was on. White shirts as far as the eye could see. It was an exaggeration, but the pile of shirts and other clothing items was tall. I was at the top of the pile, a shaft just down the pile seeming to be my exit. 

I attempt to carefully climb down the pile but end up falling and tumbling down the clothes. I let out a slight childish chuckle as I land, getting up from the shirts I was now under. The shaft entrance was just in front of me. 

Jogging over, I climb into the vent shaft and begin crawling into the vent. The vent was shorter than the ones before, up in that dreadful area. I crawl through it quickly, eventually being able to get up to a crouch. 

In front of me was pipes, leading up to another vent. Gripping tightly on the pipes, I began climbing up towards the next shaft.  Reaching up to one of the next pipes, my hand begins to slip. Thinking quick, I jump up, barely managing to grab the end of the vent as pipes began to break under me. 

The shaft was short again, making me have to crawl. The path split further down, the choice of left or right before me. Both paths were dark, making it hard for me to tell where they went. I decide to head right, beginning to crawl in that direction.

As I moved down the shaft, a draft began to flow towards me. It brought the smell of salt into my nostrils, the strong scent making me cringe. As I near what I assume was the end, a vent covering blocks my progress forward. 

I try pushing on it but the thing wouldn't budge. There wasn't enough room in the vent to turn myself around and kick it either. With no other options, I start slowly crawling backwards to the intersection. 

At the split, I take the left option, crawling on my belly down the narrow path. A strange cry was just outside of vent shaft as I pass over one of the closed off vents leading down to what I presume was another room. It was under me however, and it was closed. 

Keeping forward, I end up before another small covering blocking my way. Again, I attempt to push it open. Much to my surprise, it actually fell open, letting out a heavy thud. More vent shafts were beckoning me forward as I continue to crawl forward. 

Finally, after a bit, I was able to get up to a crouch. My legs felt stiff, the long vents cramping them up. "Just keep moving..." I whisper to myself.  The vent seem to be endless, the dripping sound of water distracting me for the time being. 

A massive ravine stood before me, another vent entrance on the other side of it. Looking around the hole I was in for a way across, I notice another vent a little further up from me. I take a deep breath, grabbing the side of the ravine.

It was dangerous, but I needed to continue forward. Continue up. The pipework on the side of the wall helped me get up, but I could tell it was unstable, like it would fall at any moment. I took my time, thinking carefully. 

Suddenly, I noticed something move along the wall. A large black creature was on the side of the wall, and it seemed to have noticed me. I quickly climb up, the black mass quickly gaining on me. 

The stench of rot hit my nose as the black form crawls towards me. Grimacing, my hand lands on the new vent as I grip onto it.

Using all my strength, I pull myself into the vent shaft. Tall enough for me to crouch in at least. The smell of rot was closer, making me quickly crawl deeper in. A horrible screech echoed down vent after me. 

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