New School

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"Hi! My name is Na y/n. I hope we can all get along "

these were my first words to my new class, everyone seems so friendly and nice unlike my class from my other school. The kids bullied me because I didn't wanna be like them with those bad makeup styles and those old dirty school bags that look like they have been run over by a car. They called me ugly and made me think that I'm a disappointment. While on summer break I decided that I will start my next year in another school.

"Thank you Na y/n. Could you please sit to that empty seat "

the teacher pointed at a desk which was at the left side of the class in the middle of two girls. You thought that you would just sit down and focus on the class but as soon as you started walking to your new desk the two girls started waving at you with big smiles on their faces. You smiled at them and gave them a little wave so that you wouldn't get in trouble. When you sit down the two girls come closer to your desk and look at you while their hands are out for you to shake them. The girl from your right side said:

"Hi I'm Areum! From this day on we are gonna be your best friends"

you responded with a

"Hi! I'm y/n and I would like to be your guys friends-"
the girl from the right said:

"I'm Iseul, let's eat lunch together!"

you nod at Iseul and then started focusing on the class. After the class was over you went outside with Areum and Iseul to get to know each other more. As you were walking past the sports area you see a girl shooting a bow and it goes right into the middle. You wanted to see the girls face more but Areum takes your hand and shows you a big wall with a lot of text on it. You see Areum talking about the wall like it was an essay that she wrote. You see her pointing on peoples names for some time. At first you didn't get why she was pointing at random names but then you looked closely and realised that they all were the same name "Yoo Si-ah" you heard Iseul say:

" She has so many of our school records, she is the reason why I started doing sports. But I'm sad that she only does archery now, and she barely does it"

you started thinking of the girl that you saw before and you are thinking in your head "hm maybe she is Yoo Si-ah, it should be her tho" you look at Iseul and ask her

"wait you said that you do sports right? Is there a sports club here?"

" yes, me and Areum are in the sports club-"

she was interrupted by Areum hugging both of us

"what if y/n joins the sports club so we could all go together and become like Yoo Si-ah"

"that's a great idea! y/n what do you think?"

you smiled at them and said " yes". You always wanted to learn how to shot put because your grandad was a shot putter. He was really good at shot putting but he got really ill and had to give up on his dreams to go to shot put competitions all around the world. He was ill for a long time and soon he died but before he died you promised him that you will go and shot put all around the world. Since that day your dream was to become a shot putter.

2 weeks later

you were doing your warm ups with Areum and Iseul. You noticed that you were doing all kinds of sports there, you guys were practicing long and high jumps and you guys were practicing sprints and long distance runs but you never did shot put. You went up to some older club members and asked them about shot put but they all gave you the

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