Watch out!

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It has been a week since I first asked her to teach me.


"wait what?"

You saw in her eyes that she didn't want you to be there anymore. Should I give up? Was this all a mistake? Am I just another human with a stupid dream? They questions that ran in their head were so many. "Wait. But why should I give up if I have only tried once?" You turned to Yooa and looked into her eyes deeply and said:

"No matter what you say. No matter what you do. I will learn how to shot put and your opinion isn't going to stop me-"

"I mean you can try, but who will teach you? It's never going to me be,"

she stood up and put her hand on your shoulder.

"Please don't do it, it may be your dream or whatever, but trust me. When you start going to competitions, you will come up to me crying while saying that you made a mistake,"

she took her hand off of your shoulder and walked away.

"But good luck going to one of those competitions!"

After she left you felt like you wanted to cry. This was your dream for so long and now everything was fallen into pieces. You kept staring at the wall while your mind was empty. You felt your legs getting weaker and weaker until you fell down on your knees. You felt your tear fall down from your eye to your chin. You wiped off the tear and went back to the class, but when you arrived you realised that the class had already started.

"How long was i up there?"

You looked at the clock and realised that you had been staring at the wall for over 30 minutes.

"Oh my god.."

You thought about going into the class but then the teacher would scream at you and would send you to stand outside, but you weren't in a mood of getting screamed at, so you decided to just go wait at the bathroom where teachers wouldn't find you.

You heard the bell ring and knew that now it's time to get out, but you heard some people come in and for no reason you went back to the bathroom stall and just sat there.

"Why would they do such a thing tho?"

"I heard one of them is actually a bully, but they are just so sneaky that they never get caught."

" Bet it's that Si-ah, I mean the look on her face says it all"

"I also heard that she did sports so that means she has muscles to beat the kids up"

"Actually if I'm being honest, I don't think she would do that. I mean she looks like a pussy, and let's not forget the time when we threw her friends stuff into the water she just walked away"

"Oh my god did she ? Hahaha!"

"Yes you are right, also could we beat her up after school? I've had such a bad day and need to punch something to feel better"

"Sure! I mean what is she gonna do? Try to fight? Hahah"

"You guys know that she has many school records at shot put, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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