Remembering Past

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Moments past and come but you don't know what to see, do, act or listen. Time pass very fast as you can see. You can close your eyes and then open you're in university. You think what I had done in my life? Hum...In other words. I think that my childhood I enjoy it a lot, when I was in sports, having a lot of friends and free of disease. 2010 I was diagnosed with scoliosis, it was a little difficult to me because I can't played sports anymore.

The time passed by and I moved to the another school. I was shy, it's normal but then I found a perfect BFF that has been there for me. Her name is Gabriela ^^. Germ_Girl99 and then I met this boy named Luis. In other words he was my BFF too. Then I enjoyed a lot in this years of childhood. After that a lot of fun things happened, ( Sharing, hang out, etc.) In 2012 I met this guy named (Joel). He was a great friend, I didn't share that much. But then in 2013 I don't know how it's happen but my fingers tape a message to him and started being best friends. We shared a lot, then I realized that he was in Boyscouts. Since little I had this feelings to become a Eagle Scout, so I told mom to go to the troop. So I went I was like i don't know you and they were all hipper and I was like aha ok?. Then I meet 2 great friends that were my twins. We always were together on everything activities like brothers. I love it being there is was great and a relaxing thing to do. Everything was fine until December 2013, I was just kinda jealous because he was like looking for a girlfriend and I felt like I'm not needed anymore and I send him a message but I think he understands the wrong way. Our friendship become lower and I was trying to tell him. But he doesn't understand.

I was trying to explain the situation that I wanted to return to BSA like 8 months I was like that until I discovered that he was talking bad or thoughts about me. And I don't need him but at the same time hurts. My life started to be like bored and low. 2014 and my scoliosis attacked me they diagnosed me with the scoliosis severe.

I started to felt bored and like don't wanna do anything, my stepbrother was there to relieve me. But at the same time I was thinking about that. 2014 was the years of bored and well nothing new. At 2015 3 robbers assault affected me and I had this anxious attacks and etc... Then in September my friend Gaby created an account on Wattpad. I was like oh great I wanna write too. At least I had this relief to sit and write when I was stressed. Nah I continue writing September to present. It's was Halloween I had a party at work, it's was great. I was dressed Superman and my cousin Harley Quinn. We were the scared twins.

Christmas came and I don't know how this happy...I met this guy. Ima going to the ground I'm not gonna hide anything. Well idk how it's happened but someone send me a message like thanks for following and Idk why my fingers wanted to send him a message like he looked nice or something. He reply saying you look nice. Then he send a message...very cute ^^ aww. Then I reply like oh...thanks. Then we started to talking, he was very cute with me. Idk why when used to send me a message I got very excited or idk an emotion that I never felted before. We started talking and well happened to much. I was happy talking to him, so one day I sat and think it very deeply. Why the feeling was weird with him.

I realized that I started having a feeling for him every single day the feeling go very deeply. I asked this questions that my psychologist told me. Piensa primero en lo que te hace feliz? Después porque tu crees que sientes por el? Qué harías para hacerle llegar ese sentido? Que tu harías para visitarlo? In this case was him. I started thinking and I answer It.

1) Piensa primero en lo que te hace feliz? Yo pienso que el me hace sentir mejor, cada día la emoción es mas que no me puedo aguantar. Ni siquiera estudiaba para los exámenes porque solamente pensaba en él y miraba las preguntas y se veían leves.
2) Porque tu crees que sientes por el? Bueno no se porque cuando hicimos una llamada de video mi estomago tenía mariposas que no sabia ni que decir estaba bien nervioso. Me hacia reír solo ^^ y me ponía el día bien fácil.
3) Que harías para hacerle llegar ese sentido? Hablarle es lo único que hay y decirle como me siento.
4) Que tu harías para visitarlo? Trabajar duro para poder conseguir el dinero para poder visitarlo.

So I answer the questions and I realized that I was in love. Things passed by and we become something more higher and I was excited that I wanna visit him. But then poof it's gone the happiness...I wish to return to the happy moments. Right now I'm blocked, anxious and scared. I miss that it's was happy. Follow him he is a great guy.. He's name is David. Don't get mad please it's just a Story of my Past.

So right now I'm alone, I'm trying to be strong but it's difficult and I'm trying to do my best as a good person that I'm on real life. The only thing that I wanted is to someone love me....but I thinking it's not like that. Yeah I put a collage of old photos and present photos. But the love is not to much to contract a please. Holding the hand and telling how much I miss and love is enough. Pss...Ya como me siento no lo cojas a pecho por favor.

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