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I don't blame you or hate you
That warm tone in your voice is not indistinct
I manage to get along as if I'm fine but
I'm not over you,I'm not over you
A number of painful words that repeat themselves
I'm waiting for you

I'm not over you-Ryeowook

For some reason,I can't help but want to see you even if you're with him

I should've begged you.Begged you to be with me but I knew I'm not the one you love and at the end,I know your heart would always yearn for him

You know Mingi,even though I tried so hard to pretend everything's okay

I can't.I just can't when you look at him so lovingly right in front of me.Not when you two are being lovey dovey together

Mingi,I may be your bestfriend but I am also your ex

Your ex who you were together with for 15 months

Haven't you had enough of hurting me?

I'm your bestfriend and your ex who's still in love with you in every way

You walked him home today right in front of me

I forgot that his house is on the way to my house

You two were holding hands,chatting and looking at each other adoringly

I know you noticed me walking behind you guys yet you acted like I didn't exist

I don't exist in your heart anymore,do I? Or am I just a person you can recycle every time you want

Your friend Wooseok was also walking behind you and him

Wooseok started walking as the same pace with me and then you started looking back

Do you hate me that much that you can't see the sight of me walking together with your bestfriend


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