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The reek of rotting food filled his senses. Rancid juice seeped through his penance gown making his butt wet and cold. The flimsy material did little to warm him or keep him clean. His first impression of the earthly realm—disgusting!

Nathanael stood, automatically arching his wings to take more of his weight as he balanced precariously on the large garbage bags littering the smelly dumpster. Grimacing he stumbled forward, falling fast and hard to the asphalt. He'd forgotten his wings had been removed.

His knees skidded on the hard pavement while his mind balked at the stench, and the unholy sight mankind had created on the Almighty's blessed earth. Blood oozed a golden hue from his ripped knees. While the alley was dark, his angel eyesight enabled him to see clearly. He shivered. Too bad I can't regulate my body temperature. Earth is cold.

Standing, he braced his legs apart, automatically moving into his warrior-training mode. What was I thinking? A gust of wind brought a pungent fecal odor straight to his nose and he remembered what he'd been thinking. Make right the wrong to his intended mate so he could succeed. Simple, he'd boasted to his brethren, but as he stood on the hard ground of earth he wondered if that would be the case.

Deep in thought, Nathanael didn't hear the men moving from the shadows of the alley until harsh hands pushed him down, grinding his nose and face into the oily slime from the nearby dumpster.

By the blessed blade, I am a fool. Not only a fool, but now I'm covered in grime. Nathanael swore he heard his brethren laughing their collective asses off at him. That, more than being held down, angered him. Nathanael bucked back at his assailants. Shocked when he couldn't dislodge their arms he struggled more, twisting his body this way and that, seeking an opportunity to slip an arm free of their pin-hold. Once free he planned revenge. Plus, they were wasting his precious time. He no more wanted to be on earth than be held down. Humans and heaven-born angels did not mix. Nathanael felt certain that creed was written down in one of the holy books held in the heavenly library.

He was Sere, used to fighting but without the support of his wings, his body did not bend the way it should. Muffling a mouth full of obscenities which would have shocked his brethren, he bucked up again, forcing one man to let go.

"Looking for an easy target, are we gentlemen?"

The lyrical voice stole through his brain, gut and heart like a holy light. The woman's words, soft in melody, boomed like liberating bells through his body. And he knew that heavenly voice must belong to the purest of angels, a Cherub. What is she doing here? Nathanael twisted his bloodied face, still pinned to the asphalt, until he could see the angel.

One man let go of him to swagger toward a young looking woman. She stood her ground, wearing a costume that made her look anything but Cherub. High-heeled white leather boots encased her calves, leather pants and an ivory-colored top ended above her bellybutton to expose her flesh. Stunned, Nathanael could barely breathe. Cherubs, beautiful in their traditional modest robes, did not hold a candle to this alluring teen taunting the men with her voice and body.

Her leather jacket billowed around her. She gracefully bowed, extending her long torso toward the man. The twinkle of her star-studded belly caught Nathanael's eye, quickening his heart. She made her movements slow, appearing to welcome the man's advance. She tossed her candlelight colored hair over her shoulder as she pivoted one foot behind balancing in a warrior's stance. Nathanael saw a throwing star gleam in her right hand and admiration rose through him. This Cherub could wield her voice to make the man do anything she wanted. Instead, she planned to teach him a lesson in humility.

Contorting his own body, Nathanael slid free of the other man's hold. Without giving his opponent time to jump him again, he leveled a kick to the man's mid-section, noting at the last second the man's eyes were an eerie, unholy green color.

Salvation, Fallen Angel Series, Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now