Make Me Yours.

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"You told me a lie too..."

'I met her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You said you loved her the real way."

"I do love her the real way." I insisted.

'She crossed her arms, pinning me with an accusing stare.'

"Then you wouldn't have let her go."

-Mariah & Cole.

"I love my dad the most out of anybody."

'Girl same, I wanted to say.'

-Mariah & Cheyenne.

"Your body is fucking perfect Cheyenne."

'I swear to god, those words came out of his mouth.'

'My jaw dropped.'

'His face went red.'

"Fuck sorry."

"For what? It was a compliment."

"Men shouldn't comment on women's body's."

-Cole & Cheyenne.

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