Chapter 5: Blossom [Jinora POV]

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"OMG Sarai it's been so long!" I replied to her text that she was sorry she hadn't texted because she got a new phone. 

"Yeah sorry about that, anyways how have you been Jin?" 

"Oh I'm fine, I've been playing video games and baking to help cope with this quarantine lol" I texted back. "Wait you never told me how your date with Kai was?" I asked.

"Oh, that. Well um I actually cancelled it." Sarai texted back.

"What, why?" 

"Something came up with my family." 

"Oh that makes sense." I texted.

I don't know why but I felt somewhat relieved that Sarai had to cancel plans with Kai. Then I started thinking about Kai. He's been acting a little strange lately around me, and I just can't pinpoint the reason. Yeah I get that quarantine is making pretty much everyone act strange but that doesn't feel like it. 

Oh spirits does Kai like me? What are you thinking Jinora? Of course he doesn't like you, he could literally get with any girl at school, why on earth would he choose me?

Plus it's not like I would care if he liked me, right?

I decided to stop whispering to myself and just play a game. 


Kai had been bugging me all day, not literally, but the thought of him maybe liking me had just been messing with my head, not even calling Meng while playing Minecraft helped. I decided to stop beating around the bush and just call him for spirit's sake. 

He didn't answer.

Well let's try again. I said to myself

Still doesn't answer 

What the hell could you possibly be doing Kai?! It's literally 8:42 PM!" I whisper-shout to myself.

Then I hear a buzz from my phone. Kai sent a picture of him on a hospital bed.

"Kai are you ok?!" I text him frantically.

"Hey Jin, so today was eventful.."

Yes I'm being evil and leaving you on a cliffhanger mwahahahaha. 

See you next time Kainora stans >:)

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