Telling, Part 3

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They're sitting just inside the stairwell, rain pouring over the gravel rooftop. It doesn't rain often in the badlands, but when it does, it rains hard. It began yesterday night, and showered so hard Engie had moved his most valuable equipment out of the basement in case of a flash flood. (Demo thought the workaholic was just being paranoid.)

Demo and Soldier curl into each other's space in the small entryway, the door open to bring in the smell of rain and a view of the desert. The beer is finished, but they don't feel like going in. The weather's an excuse to stay here, Soldier lying against Demo's chest, helmet off, breathing in the scent of petrichor and pretending like they're the only two people in the world.

Demo's chest rises and falls, taking Soldier's head with it. It's no starry night, but it's dazzling in it's own way.

"You know," Demo says, pausing a moment to let Soldier look up, "after yesterday, there's no real reason for us tae hide from the team anymore. Someone tells someone, they tell someone else, and then even Glen from HR knows, and no one tells him shit. The whole team's in the loop at this point. "

"What about Scout?" Soldier, asks, twisting to a better position.

"You're right. Let me rephrase: everyone who matters already knows."

Soldier laughs. After a few more minutes of watching the rain, he says, "Everyone's been a lot...nicer about us than I expected."

"Well, they like us. I think they're willin' tae look past a few eccentricities since we do our jobs and dunnae cause too much trouble. Well," Demo pauses, "I dunnae cause too much trouble."

That gets another laugh from Soldier.

"What about Monday when you shoved Scout off the hightower?" he asks.

"Hey, you would have done the same in me position."

"True," Soldier concedes, "but the point still stands."

They sit quietly, the sound running water filling the stairwell and echoing back downstairs. Demo is thoughtful, his eye unfocused on the view in front of him.

"I think I should tell him," he says after a while."

"Hm?" Soldier asks.

"Scout, I mean." Demo hesitates. "He's the only one on BLU who doesnae know, and I think I should tell him. For closure's sake."

Soldier shrugs. "Up to you. I don't care either way. It seems like everyone is going to find out sooner or later."

That's as close to permission as Demo's going to get. He kisses Solider on the top of the head, and closes his eye.

It's weird, walking down the hall to Scout's room and feeling the sense of finality. He meant what he said about closure, and now is the time finish things, but it still feels like it's not really real.

"Where are you off to with such a frown?" Spy says, knocking him out of his thoughts. They're stopped in the hallway, Spy heading in the other direction.

"I'm off tae visit Scout," Demo says with a shrug.

"And why on Earth would you want to do that?"

"I'm goin' tae tell him about me 'n Soldier."

Spy raises an eyebrow, obviously waiting for further explanation.

Demo obliges. "He's the only one left who doesnae know about us. Once I tell him, that'll be it. No more sneakin' around...we can do whatever."

"What about Medic? And Heavy? Do you not have to tell them as well?"

Builder's League United Can't Keep a Damn Secret (Demoman x Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now