Introductions to the Clans

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Icemoon's POV:

I was sitting in the middle of camp, slowly eating a rabbit as I eavesdropped on the deputy and leader. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but recently our rival clan, Stormclan, had accused us of tresspassing.

Twilightstar, the black furred leader looked around. I ducked my head and avoided eye contact, licking my silver-blue fur and finishing off the rabbit. He leaned in towards the deputy, Stardust, and started talking. I stood up, faked stretching and moved to a sunnier spot closer to the leader.

I think I failed miserably, because I saw the deputy's sand-colored fur bristle up a tiny bit. I realized I was staring so I once again averted my ice blue gaze, but flicked my ears in their direction. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Twilightstar flicked his tail. "If Stormclan wants war, then they'll have it!" He snarled to Stardust. Stardust sighed a little and said, "Twilightstar, our warriors aren't prepared for this because of our recent war with them. We need to show Stormclan that we're innocent. Until then, we don't mention anything to the clan."

The leader scowled but didn't argue. Then they walked off in separate directions, Twilightstar to his den and Stardust to go assign patrols.

Stupid Stormclan! Now we have to do extra border patrols. I shrunk back into the shadows, but unluckily Stardust swiveled her pretty little head in my direction and mewed loudly, "Hopeflight, Icemoon, and Rushpaw, you're going on border patrol." We didn't have any clans but Stormclan surrounding us, but that's the only good thing.

Hopeflight, my best friend, padded over to me with a faint smile. She was tired, she had been dragged into patrols both night and morning. Rushpaw, Stardust's slightly annoying and very hyper apprentice bounded over, talking nonstop.

Ugh! Why did she have to be in this group? She kept talking at super-speed, and I had no idea whatsoever about what the jet black apprentice was saying. Stardust started to assign a hunting patrol, but we were already making our way into the forest.

Falconswoop's POV:

At that same time, Gorsestar was assigning a border patrol. Me, and the two sisters Speckledstep and Spiritgaze were in it. He was convinced Silkclan kept tresspassing.

I was chosen for the second time today. I don't mean to brag, but I am one of the best trackers and fighters of the clan, so no wonder Gorsestar kept picking me.

But honestly, I thought this was kinda useless, I hadn't scented any other cats on our territory since the last battle between the two clans. I mean, maybe Gorsestar was just pissed off, or maybe it was because he was pretty old and having health issues.

He might've been imagining the scents. But yanno, I don't blame him. I'd be a little crazy too if I had to spend half the time with the medicine cat, Echosong.

I arrived the border with the two she-cats to see three Silkclan members, snarling a little as they suspiciously sniffed at the border. Well, two of the bigger cats were doing that. The little one, probably an apprentice on a sugar-rush, was bouncing up and down and trying to hurl an offensive comment at us, but geez, she was bad at offending.

I snorted a little in amusement, causing Speckledstep to burst into laughter and the apprentice to stop bouncing around and growling. She uttered a ferocious snarl, and for a fleeting second a flash of fear crossed my jay blue eyes.

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