Chapter 4

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~Icemoon's Pov~

I arrived at camp, my face slightly red. Did I... Like Falconswoop? And yeah, I do know his name... Uhhh....

Anyways, at that moment, Hopeflight walked up and nudged me. I yelped and turned around in a flash. "H-Hopeflight??" I whined.

But she didn't look happy, like her usual gleeful self. Her leaf green eyes were narrowed and she looked slightly... Was that disappointment? "I saw how you looked at the tom back there."

"W-What tom?" I said, desparetly trying to cover up my feelings. "Don't act like you don't know! I mean to that mouse-brained show-off!" She snarled, lashing out at me with her claws.

I winced. I knew she was loyal, but not that loyal! "I don't have feeling for that, uhh... Piece of fox-dung!" I said, every word like a blow to my heart.

She stormed away angrily, but I knew she hadn't abandoned the thoughts about me and him. Him meaning the cute, muscular cat named Falconswoop. The one who I fell for.

Sorry it's so short. XD This is turning into a forbidden love story. Falconmoon/Iceswoop anyone? CX Do you guys want me to focus on the love story, or do you want more of an everyday-cat life thing? xD Either way, there might be a battle between foxes, badgers, or just the two clans. Hehe.. :3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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