When the mud and shoe falls in love

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One day a lovely girl with goldy  locks hair goes skipping to a dirty,mucky pond with an Aldi trolley in the middle. We thought ooo that's a rock hard piece of mud isn't it so the little girl decided to step on it as she steps down in the mud it turns out it has tiny mushrooms  growing out of it. As she puts all her heavy weight on the muck she starts to sink slowly and carefully as she puts all her weight on as she is humongous. She screams aaaahhhhhhhhhhh HELLPP MEEE as her best friend rushes to help her she starts to giggle and bursts out in laughter it turns out the little girl had only sunk down to her knees making it out so dramatically. As she gets pulled out her shoe starts making contact with the mud so the dirty shoe gets stuck so we thought trueee loveee truuueeee loveeeee.

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