Chapter 1

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Wednesday, March 14
Dear diary,
I have proven myself a fool once again. An important guest from Italy came to discuss company matters with the young lord. I accidentally broke the tea set we used for guests, and I spilled expensive wine on the now purple tablecloth. We all did a horrible job today, however. Bardroy burned the kitchen for the eighth time this week, and Finny used too much weed killer on the master's garden. But Sebastian came to the rescue. He used gravel to make a rock garden and a "Japanese delicacy" from the burnt meat. I want to be like him someday.


   After being awoken by Bardroy's obnoxious snoring for the third time, Mey-Rin finally mustered up the courage to leave her warm bed. She shuddered as her feet hit the cold floor, and took her glasses from the table.
   She tiptoed up the staircase, trying not to awake the young lord. She snuck out to the garden, and smiled when she saw Finny sitting on the base of a marble statue.
   "Tough day today, yes it was." Mey-Rin smiled, sitting down next to Finny.
   "You can say that again, I can't believe I ruined the garden, again!" Finny exclaimed.
   "It wasn't' your fault."
   "Sure. Anyways, did Bard's snoring wake you?"Mey-Rin nodded as he continued."It's much worse in the boy's room."
   "I can tell, you look like you haven't slept a wink!"
   "I haven't. I probably should though. Perhaps I can cover his mouth with a cloth to shut him up." Finny giggled.
   "Goodnight then."
   Finny gave a final wave and returned inside, leaving Mey-Rin in the peaceful garden. She smiled calmly as she took in the night air. She began to grow tired, enough that she could barely keep her eyes open. Yawning, she pulled herself up and went inside, curling up in her white sheets, she fell into a peaceful sleep.


   "Mey-Rin. It's time to get up. Young master is having guests today." Sebastian said through the keyhole.
Mey-Rin got out of bed groggily, muttering a 'Thank you' to Sebastian as he went back upstairs. She put on her maid's outfit and walked upstairs, taking a seat next to Bard to hear today's tasks.
"Several company managers and leaders in the underground are coming to discuss matters with the young master. They should be here at three o'clock. Make sure everything is prepared by then. Understood?"
Everyone nodded and got to work. Bard strutted to the kitchen to work and Finny left for the garden, leaving Mey-Rin and Sebastian alone.
"Keep an eye on Tanaka Mey-Rin, I'll handle things with the guests." He sighed as the office bell rang. "What does he want now?"

Mey-Rin followed Sebastian down the hall, wanting to know what the young lord needed. He always asked the most peculiar things.
"Sebastian. We must speak about the servants."
She frowned. What about us?
"They have been causing trouble everyday for months. Tell them if they mess up again, they are fired."
"Is that an order my lord?"
"Yes, now go!"
"Yes, my lord."
Mey-Rin evaded the door as Sebastian opened it. She couldn't mess up anymore, or she could lose everything.

Thursday, March 15
Dear Diary
Master Ciel is threatening to get rid of us! Our clumsiness and moral stupidity may cost us our jobs. Finny and Bard have been warned as well, but Sebastian should know we don't have the proper training! We were brought in by chance... We don't know any better..

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