Chapter 1 being a child

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Bills POV:

I could feel the anger rising up within me. I knew I was always known as a monster, a Demond,a devilish man. The power was getting stronger my body was painfully morphing. I did not know what or who I was any more. What am I?

To get this started I might as well start from the beginning.
They called me master of the mind since I was young. I remember every detail of everything. I was also born with something strange. A missing eye. Even though I wore an eyepatch all my life I was asked about it. I would either blow them off , or pretend I didn't hear them. When I was in school I did quite well. Remembering everything was an advantage. Yet my one eye and wise remembering skills was not all that was strange with me. I often had anger issues, and did not take things lightly. I got into fights a lot fighting back was easy for me. I scared people off with fire. That's right, fire. That's the other abnormal thing about me. I could do what ever came to mind. Being a master of the mind let me shoot fire out of my hands , send people into black holes , kill people. Forget that last one. What ever I could think of would happen. Now you would think the eyepatch would scare people off enough, but actually it made me look weak. I won all the fights and after a while it did start scaring people. In school nobody would sit with me. Being weird and magic came with a price. I'm immortal. I mean since I'm an orphan I had no one. I accidentally set my home on fire at a young age ,and my folks went down with it being a child was tough I didn't think I would ever get over my past. Until the one day I found a freak like me.

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