The Proposal

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Happy Valentines Day! I hope you all are having a great day <3 Like always I do not own the art, I just found it on google. Other than that lets get started! Hope you enjoy!

"Izu where are we going?" You ask, trying to peek through the blindfold that was tightly secured around your head.

Izuku laughs, "I told you already, stop peeking! I'm trying to surprise you and you're trying to ruin it."

"We're in the car.." You say unimpressed.

"Yes I'm aware, it's WHERE we're going is the surprise. I thought you'd want to do something fun for Valentines."

"Well it's not fun anymore." You complain crossing your arms.

"Baby come on I know it's weird to ride around in a car blindfolded- but I promise it'll be worth it!" He explained rubbing a small circle onto your shoulder with his thumb.

"We aren't going anywhere scary, right?" You question.

"No, I promise you're safe with me." He assured, "I mean you know what happened last time we went somewhere scary.."

Last Halloween. Haunted house. Izuku almost pissed himself. Pretty self explanatory.

"Can I at least guess?" You ask.

"Sure, but just so you know yes it has food. I know better to let you get hangry.." He said laughing slightly.

"Have I been there before?"


"The moon?" You say sarcastically.

Izuku laughs, "No silly. Just relax, we're almost there I promise."

"Is it that restaurant we went to a few months ago?" You pry trying to get something out of him.

Izuku sighs, "Yes, you said you liked it so I thought it would be fun plus I have other things planned.. But no more questions I want it to be a surprise!"

"Can I take the blindfold off now?" You ask tugging at the bottom.

His hand reaches and moves yours away. "Hey keep it on it's part of the experience!"

From under the blindfold you roll your eyes.

Izuku laughs, "I can feel the eye roll from here baby."

A few moments later you both arrive. He helps you out the car and into the building. Even with your eyes covered you knew people were staring, not just at your boyfriend, the number 1 Pro Hero. But at the fact you were- well blindfolded.

He guides you through the restaurant. Hearing a door close, you feel Izuku's scarred hands tuck under the blindfold as it comes off.

A wave of light hits your eyes as you look around. There were flowers, wine, a table for two, candles, all the basic things for a romantic date.

"You got a private room? Isn't that impossible to get here?" You ask, amazed by the set up.

He chuckles rubbing the back of his neck, "An advantage of being the number 1 hero."

"Do you like it?" Izuku says in a soft tone, grabbing your lower back like he normally did.

"I love it." You say wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him down for a kiss. He had grown a bit since his UA days, now reaching about 5'8.

He pulls away after a moment, "There is one more thing. This evening I've tried to show you how much I want to do for you- how much I love you. I know I get sidetracked with work and stuff and you deserve so much more than I could ever give you in a lifetime. But I want to spend that lifetime getting as close as I can. We've been through so much together, villain attacks, whenever I doubt myself about being a good hero, even before I became a hero.. You've been there with me through thick and thin, hell and back. Every time we face a challenge, you've handled it and kept my spirits up when I thought it was all over. You always stick by me, have my back and want the best for me." He tucks your hair behind your ear, running his hand down your cheek.

"Just like I want the best for you. When I think about the future.. All I can see is your face, hear your voice. Everyday when I'm out there fighting villains, all I can think about is you. The fact that I can come home to you and that wonderful smile of yours. I want to cherish and protect you, no matter the cost. Sometimes I think I can't breathe without you. The days I have to go on a business trip or when it's not safe for me to go home, because of some villain, it feels like an eternity.. I don't know anyone as caring, loving and supporting as you- well besides my mom." You both laugh at his comment.

"Can I have your hand? I want to do this right.." You place your hand in his as he gets down on one knee.

"I want you to know I've thought about this every waking moment for at least a year- maybe from the moment I met you.. I want to dedicate a part of my life to making you happy. To love and support you the way you have me. Baby, Y/N, the most wonderful person I've ever known, my best friend.." Izuku looks into your eyes. His beautiful green eyes that you adored so much. The ones you loved looking into when you wake up, the ones that you didn't want to see cry, the ones you saw when he was tired from a long work day, the eyes that scrunch up when he smiles. The ones you fell in love with. He pulls out a ring, holding it, almost dropping it, up to you.

"Will you marry me?"

Tears form in your eyes as you stutter out, "Y-yes!"

He smiles widely as he stands up and hugs you tight. Both of you are crying at this point as he leans in to kiss you. Pulling away, Izuku slides the ring onto your finger.

"So was the surprise worth it?" Izuku laughed as he dried his tears.

You do the same as you say, "Worth every second."

"I'm glad. Well now we can eat and me, not having to worry about the ring falling out of my pocket." He rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling.

You leaned in and kissed him again, "I love you Izu.."

"I love you too Y/N.."


Damn I really am a sappy romantic.. Anyways hope you enjoyed! I really enjoy writing Izuku, I'll have to do more of him. He's truly underrated in his own series.

Izuku Midoriya x Reader Valentines Day One Shot: The ProposalWhere stories live. Discover now