Untitled Part 1

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Kristen was a small town girl that grew up south of Louisville, Kentucky. She was brought in this world not knowing the whole story of her reason to be here. She had three sisters all half and one brother. Leyla and Elizabeth sisters but same dad different mom. Kacie same mom different dads Katie was there for Kristen since birth shared rooms everything. Austin, Kristen blood brother died before Kristen was born. He was born on May, 19 1999 he was born two months early he was able to come home after a couple days in the hospital but got a cold and his body couldn't fight it off.
Kristen growing up young knowing she was put on this earth to replace and fill my parents happiness. But all along Kristen felt missed placed and hard and that Austin could of done this life so much better. I wanted to know what it be like if he could be here. She wished and wished that she could see him and meet him and tell him what was happening and he could make everything better.
But this is not what the story is about its about know the pain and heart broken of being replaced and fight the battle of being in love. But this story has to start off by showing the baggage the Kristen has to offer.
Let's start when Kristen was six her parents got a divorce and it started off moms one week dads the next. A year and half later dad got remarried and married a girl that Kristen hated from the first time she better her. 10 moths after the wedding popped out two twins Kristen was the only granddaughter and soon she realized she become forgot about and started looking at the babies more then her.
Kristen had the eyes for boys every since the first day of kindergarten when she met Michael. She thought he was the most attractive boy ever but Michael moved to Florida in 1st grade. It went from crushes to boyfriends. Fourth grade max was her crush and then dated London for a day which she never really liked. Fifth graded Shawn dated for a week when she never liked him but just got pushed in to dating him. She liked Isaac and all because of Isaac she would of never meet her best friend Katie for liking the same dude but or,used to never like the same guy again. Sixth grade she dated mason because head a heart ache and friends told her to fix but only for a day. She crushed on brenden sixth through seventh grade. In seventh grade dated Connor for three weeks but wasn't a real relationship never talked and he broke up with her on Valentine's Day and dated Christin for a day when he liked her but she couldn't do it. Now eighth grade is when the whole story started. Kristen met Wayne October 2014 they talked for two months as they talked he went from girfriend to girlfriend just wishing he would see her and give her a chance. So she decided to make Wayne jealous with a guy dated Jordan for two weeks they talked two times the whole two weeks so none of those realationships count. He saw the real her and decided he had to have her Kristen broke up with Jordan and Wayne and Kristen started dating that night. Kristen really really like Wayne but somehow they said I love you on the first night.kristen fell and fell for Wayne. For Christmas Wayne got her a big teddy bear and she got him some random stuff he wanted. On there one month Wayne broke up with Kristen for Kristen childhood friend Hannah. Kristen hated Hannah she was a back stabbing bitch in kristens eyes. But Hannah and Wayne broke up after two weeks and Kristen and Wayne were a thing again they weren't dating but they were close. They skyped every weeks for hours but soon they stopped he left her for Maekenzie the new girl at school. Kristen blew to her friends for help with the break ups they watched her cry and cry and feel really broken. Wayne was kristens first love ever but many will ask is it love or lust.
Kristen never thought she get over Wayne she would never be able to replace him with anybody.

More will be posted tomorrow probably comment if you like or anything that is wrong with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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