Chapter 3

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Isabella POV
Today was the day I met phineas's girlfriend well soon to be he was gonna ask her tonight. It had been a few weeks since the big fight with my friends and phineas acted really weird after that. I was super excited she seemed really nice. I wore a short black dress with medium length sleeves with white boots and my hair in a messy bun and no makeup of course hate makeup. I made my way over to the restaurant found phineas an Carolina. "Hi Carolina I'm Isabella but you can call me Izzy" I said with no emotion. "Phineas has told me a lot about you!" "Hi You can call me carry and I've herd so much about you!" She answered respectively enthusiastic. We started eating and I got up to go to the bathroom. I started washing my hands when carry came in. "You know phineas said you had no emotion because you are worthless, and have no energy, he doesn't care about you!" She exclaimed. I was hurt but tried to show no emotion. "He also said you were fat and evil and rude and stupid and savage and selfish." By then I just left and pretended non of that happened. Then carry came out and did the same we ate and then saying goodbye. And I left. I got a text from phineas that she said yes I was happy for him. The next morning my mom returned and slept because of her flight. I was heading over to phineas's house when carry came over "phineas said your retarded and he hates you and you annoying and a b**** and a d****!" That hurt more because that's what my dad called me before he left. I walked into that yard like a bull "HOW COULD YOU! YOU KNOW WHAT THOSE WORDS MEAN TO ME, HOW COULD YOU!!!!" I screamed "I-Izzy your showing emotion!!" Phineas responded. "OH DONT YOU ACT LIKE THAT!!!!!" I screamed near tears and left. It was the first time I had shown any emotion since 6th grade. I went home and saw a flier my mom had picked up it was a guitar school in California near Hollywood! I talked to my mom and she said I could go so I packed my things and brought my guitar and went to that plane. On our way there I kept getting texts from phineas.
Are ok
Did I do something
Pls tell me
Also your not answering your door
Where are you?!?

I didn't have time for this so I blocked him.
Phineas POV
I texted her and she didn't respond so I called her and she blocked me. I was so I confused so I went to her house but no one was home carry came and asked what I was doing and I explained it to her and she said Izzy just needed some space. I assumed it was a girl thing but later that night I went over again and tried, this time miss Gracio-Shapiro answered thank heavens. " oh hello phineas what are you doing aqui?" She asked "I came to see if Izzy is ok." I responded she looked wide eyed and that sent a chill through my spine "oh yes Izzy she uh she left for California to play guitar. Didn't she tell you?" "Oh right thanks" I said and she closed the door. I went back to my house and fell in my bed. Ferb looked up and asked and I explained everything to him and he said "well based on the words she yelled she thinks you said something" well obviously "ya but what?!?" I responded and he just shrugged. I looked out my window and I started building things and then I started stressing.
Ferb POV
I decided it was time to text Isabella when phineas built his 15th machine he was stress building
Ferb: Hi Izzy
Izzy: Hi
Ferb: I herd you are in Cali
Izzy: Yep starting new
Ferb: Listen phineas is going nuts
Izzy: Idc
Ferb: Wdym, you care about him
Izzy: No I don't
Ferb: Well he is stress building
Izzy: Idc it's his prob he said it I don't want to talk about him.
Ferb:  Ok Gn
Izzy: Gn
I didn't know what to do he said something but what. I saw jack trying to get Isabellas attention by throwing rocks at her window I couldn't help but laugh because she wasn't there. Phineas came over and frowned and shut the window. I had to admit it was nice seeing Izzy let out some emotion she hadn't in so long. I watched the whole thing.

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