4. American idiots

162 4 5

58- Stormy (brown eyes)

"Cause I will always love you."

58- All of my heroes are dead

"I guess you lived your life like a loaded shotgun"


I'm the first off the horribly smelly bus, dragging Frankies tired ass with me.

We both fell asleep on the bus, and I'm about 70% sure someone took my wallet. I need to start hiding it in my bra. The ride was horrible. Some kid vomited, and I ended up with my head in Frankies lap for half the ride, which was awkward, since we're not into each other.

"So your aunt and uncle...what are they like?" I ask, lacing my hand with his and dragging our luggage behind me.

"Surprisingly enough...the epitome of Christian values." Frankie answers.

"Ugh. Like are they the really stuck up kind?" I wonder.

"Yep." He replies, pulling out a cigarette as we approach his aunt and uncle.

They're standing by a car with 2 kids in it. Ah Jesus. I know his uncle is Don Zimmerman, But I have absolutely no idea who the other 3 are. I look over at Frankie, who lets go of my hand and crosses his arms. Frankie's aunt and uncle approach us, both with fake smiles plastered onto their faces, almost as if drawn with paint.

"Frankie! So good to...see you..." His aunt starts, her fake smile faltering a bit.

I realize that Frankie looks a lot different from the last time they saw him. His purple nail polish and strange outfit probably put them off quite a bit. I notice her eyes trail down to his boots and have to stifle my laughter. Then she turns her eyes to me. I feel awkward to say the least.

"Frankie told us he'd be bringing his friend. You both look so..grown." His aunt struggles, for lack of a better word.

"Uh...well I mean we're both 16, almost 17...so...glad you can see." I say, rolling my eyes a little.

She looks taken aback. "Well, I'm his aunt Sharon, this is Don. And the kids are Brian and Christine." His aunt Sharon says.

"I'm Kat." I say simply.

I look over at the kids. They're both hanging out of the car. Brian has buck teeth and sandy brown hair. He looks about ten. Christina is slightly older looking, with red hair and freckles. They both seem to be chewing something. Oh the car ride should be really fun. I meant that sarcastically. I hear Frankie clear his throat awkwardly, and the click of his lighter.

"Oh Frankie we don't do that here." His aunt says in a disgusted tone.

I look back just in time to see him take a drag from his cigarette. His aunt wrinkles her nose and a disgusted look overtakes her face. Her beady eyes squint at Frankie and I, before plucking the cigarette from his hand and squashing it under her foot. Oh I can already tell this is gonna be bad. Not as bad as having an abusive, pervy stepdad though.

I walk over to Brian. "So you're Brian right?" I ask.

He nods.

"Like Brian Connolly from The Sweet?" I ask.

"Who's Brian Connolly?" Brian asks.

"You don't know who Brian Connolly is?" Nikki asks incredulously, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I giggle. The Sweet are one of Nikkis favorite bands. Him and I often would sit in his room under the blacklights and smoke weed while listening to 'Funny How Sweet Co-Co can be' and 'Desolation Boulevard'. In fact, Frankie's uncle works at Capitol Records and The Sweet are signed there. Frankie gets a lot of records from his uncle.

"Anyways..." His aunt clears her throat.

Me and Frankie both turn to face her. I don't know what she wants. Frankie glances at me and shrugs. This should be interesting.

"We only have one guest room..." She starts.

"We don't mind sharing." Frankie replies.

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. Frankie you can stay with Brian." His aunt says quickly.


"We wouldn't want anything...to happen."

"Ohhhh like this?" Frankie suddenly grabs me and kisses me deeply, his arms wrapping around me.

I blush, but kiss back. I know he's just doing this to rile up his aunt, so I go along with it. We kiss for a couple more seconds, my sweet lips locked onto his, both of our eyes shut tightly in order to preserve the moment and add to the shock factor. When we do pull away, it's as if tiny sparks are still connecting us, buzzing in between us. It's never been this way before.

"...Yes...like that." His uncle answers.

"Ohhhh gotcha." Frankie winks at me.

We climb into the car, and I'm squished between Frankie and Christine. Brian is riding up front because this car is too small to hold all of us. I look at Frankie, who is secretly sipping from a bottle of beer. He gives me a shit eating grin, and passes the bottle to me. It's a good thing Christine is looking out the window.

"Hey can you turn on the radio?" I ask, not liking the silence.

Don nods, and flips on the radio.

'all the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)'

'and the sky is gray (and the sky is gray)'

I look at Frankie. "Do you know this song?" I ask him.

"Nope." He responds, putting the beer bottle back into his bag.

'california dreamin on such a winters day'

"Hey Christine, you like the Sex pistols?" Frankie asks the kid that's been ignoring us.

"My mom says that they're satanic." Christine replies.

"Well...hail satan." Frankie laughs.

We pull up to the house, and I glance at Frankie. Let's hope that we don't get kicked out this time. Welcome to California. I quickly run inside, dumping my shit in the guest room. It's large with an air conditioner, and a bed with a quilted cover on it. I hear Frankie clear his throat from behind me.

"Nice room." He says, leaning against the doorway.

"How's Brians room?" I ask, walking over to him.

"Well he said that I can't keep Suzie in the room so can you keep 'er in here?" Frankie asks, holding up the case that his precious bass 'Suzie' rests in.

"Yeah sure." I say, propping her against a wall.

"This is temporary. We both have bigger dreams. I'll get a job tomorrow and soon we can get out of here."

"Okay, Night Frankie."

"Night darlin."

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