Part 14

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Jughead POV

The next morning I woke up without Betty and I was very confused. I checked my phone and saw a picture Betty had sent me that was a screenshot of her Instagram page and a picture of us in the airport. I quickly got up and went down to the kitchen and saw her making a big breakfast. J-"you're a guest, you shouldn't do this." I said to her as I walked in. She jumped a little bit then turned around and smiled at me. B-"I want to! Besides I'd be restless with nothing to do." She argued as I walked over to her and kissed her. J-"I saw that picture you sent me. When was that posted?" B-"yesterday." She sighed and JB walked into the kitchen. JB-"what happened?"
J-"some people saw us together at the airport and then posted it on Instagram." JB-"well people knew you were friends, right? Maybe people will just think you were going somewhere as friends." She stated in hopes that it would make us feel better.

Betty put down a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of me and then put one in front of JB, just as dad was walking down the stairs. F-"who made breakfast?" He asked curiously walking in. B-"I did!" F-"you didn't need to sweetheart." He said sitting down at the table. B-"I wanted to!" She said as she placed a plate in front of him, and then got us all a cup of coffee. She finally sat down with her plate and started eating with us. JB-"this is so good betty!" JB raved as she was stuffing food in her face. Betty chuckled and I smiled at her. F-"she's right! This is incredible!" My dad said to her.

JB-"I'm gonna go take a nap." JB said a little after we finished eating. We all nodded and she went up to her room. I felt Betty's hand on my thigh when JB left. B-"you okay?" J-"yeah, just worried." I said and laid my head on her shoulder. F-"she's got a doctors appointment later, hopefully we'll find out more." I sat back up and took the last sip of my coffee. J-"how do you think it's all gonna turn out?" F-"I know she's gonna beat it. She's a strong girl, you know." I nodded and Betty stood up taking the dishes to the sink. F-"Betty, you don't need to do that." He said to her while checking his watch. He stood up and grabbed his jacket. F-"I'm gonna go to work until your sisters appointment. I'll be back to pick her up." He said while getting himself out the door.

Betty POV

Jughead stood up and walked over to me. I put my arms out and pulled him into a hug. J-"can we watch something?" He asked as he was pulling himself back up. B-"yeah!" I said smiling, trying to lighten his mood. We went over to the couch and turned on a movie. About halfway through, a yawning JB walked down the stairs. J-"hey JB! Do you need anything?" JB-"I should be okay." B-"I'll make you some food, does that sound good?" JB-"actually, yeah it does!" She said while sitting down at one of the living room chairs.

I handed her the plate after and she smiled.
JB-"thank you so much, you're too kind." I smiled gratefully back. Before I sat back down I quickly went into the kitchen to grab her a glass of water. I brought it back over and put it on the little table next to her. I sat down next to jug and he pulled me close.
J-"thank you for that" he whispered into my ear. I kissed him quickly and then put my attention back to the movie.

Later that day after JB, FP, and jug went to her appointment they came back into the house looking happily. B-"hey! How'd it turn out?" JB-"they think that they'll be able to cure me! And soon!" B-"that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" I said hugging her. I looked over to see jug beaming. I hugged him too and he immediately pulled me as close as possible.

A few hours later jug and I went outside to take a walk. J-"thanks for coming out here with me."
B-"you don't need to thank me jug." J-"I love you." B-"I love you too" I said while wrapping my arm around his. Just then we heard a camera shutter. We both looked at each other and then looked around but didn't see anything. B-"I think I'm just paranoid." J-"I heard it too though" we looked around a second time and still didn't see anything. I shrugged a little, but I could tell that jug was still a little tense.


@enews- are Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones dating? They were spotted recently in Riverdale

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@enews- are Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones dating? They were spotted recently in Riverdale.


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