Alone Time

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(Chapter art cover belongs to @ChickenStripping ) (Not related to the current one shot though)

It was around the middle of the evening as Little Cato was leaving to go to a friend's house for the weekend. 

"Okay Little Cato, you got everything you need for your first weekend away with your friend?" Gary asked him, giving him a duffel bag filled with clothes to change when he goes over there. 

"I'm good Gary. I have everything I need for the weekend. I even got both yours and Dad's contact information in case something happens. Thanks again for letting me do this Gary. I know convincing Dad into letting me go wasn't an easy thing to do." Little Cato told him as he smiled a bit at him. 

"Of course buddy, I know how important this was to you. Plus, it'd be nice for you to go and have fun with a friend or two. Just try not to do anything bad nor destroy anything over there. Okay?" Gary said as he gave him a smile back at him in return. 

"I won't. See you on Monday, Gary." Little Cato said as he gathered his things and gave him a hug before he headed into the car that Avocato was driving to take him to his friend's house. 

***Later, when Avocato came back to the house after dropping off Little Cato***

"Man, that wasn't easy to do." Avocato said, hanging up his car keys. 

"Which part? Dropping off your son or letting your son go to a friend's house for the weekend?" Gary asked him as he sat down on the couch with him. 

"Both. I mean, this is the first time I've ever let do him something like this before. I'm just worried that something could happen to him." Avocato said with a bit of a frustration in his tone and his ears slowly going down a bit. 

"I know this was a tough choice to make. But how do you expect him to do anything around here if you're not letting him do them?" Gary told him while he holds Avocato's hand with Avocato holding Gary's hand in return.

"Don't get me wrong Gary, I want him to have fun and be a kid. But we're in a new place now and everything. I can't just let my guard down. He's my kid after all." Avocato said to him as Gary could tell that Avocato had a lot of mixed emotions about this dilemma for the safety of his son.

"He's our kid now. I'm always going to be here for you Avocato. Don't forget that. Plus, I get what you mean though. I was a little worried for him too. But at the same time, I want him to have fun too. I may not have a kid of my own, but I know more than enough that he deserves to be happy." Gary told him as he softly smiled a bit at Avocato, trying really hard to make him feel better.  

"You know what? You're right Gary. I should try to let him be happy. Plus, if I am going to be honest with you though. I actually like the fact that I get to have some alone time with you this weekend." Avocato said as he softly smiled back at him and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. 

"Couldn't agree with you more, my handsome Ventrexian." Gary told him as he slowly gets on top of Avocato and gives him a soft yet passionate kiss on the lips. 

"Easy Gary, why don't you get some snacks ready while I pick out something for us to watch tonight?" Avocato asked him as he pulls away for air, trying to start their alone time right. 

Gary nodded in agreement as he gets off of the couch and heads into the kitchen to make a lot of delicious snacks for him and Avocato to enjoy while watching something good for the two of them to watch together. 

***About an hour or two later***

"Okay Avocato, it took me a while but I finally finished making the snacks to have together tonight." Gary said as he finished putting all of the snacks onto the coffee table. 

"Uh Gary, a bowl of popcorn would've been okay." Avocato said as he noticed that Gary might've prepared a feast rather than a few snacks. 

"Sorry Avocato, I just got excited so I made a lot of food." Gary said as he blushes a bit in embarrassment while he chuckled a bit nervously at the same time. 

"It's fine. It's still gonna be a good night either way. Because I get to spend it with my favorite guy in the universe." Avocato said to Gary as he gave him a smile and winked at him, which caused for Gary blush even more, feeling flustered and happy around the teal colored Ventrexian. 

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Gary said as he brings a big and fluffy blanket for them to use together. 

"Alright, now this is the kind of "alone time" I could get used to."  Avocato told Gary as the two of them got closer together, loving every single second of this experience. 

"I'm happy to hear you say that Avocato. It truly does make me so happy." Gary said as he placed his head on Avocato's shoulder, causing the Ventrexian to blush a bit and smile a bit at his Human partner. 

Shortly after that, Gary grabbed the remote and pressed play on their T.V. to start their show. During that time, Avocato and Gary gave soft kisses to each other and even cuddled with their big blanket to keep each other safe and warm. Thus leading Avocato and Gary to really enjoy their blissful alone time together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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