Serenas Day

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Welcome to an original story about the Owl House! I do not own any of the characters, but the idea of Serenas Day was created by me and a friend and it is our original semi-hard thought idea. I hope you enjoy it and sorry if it seems a bit rushed(it is a one-shot) I really wanted to post it on Valentine's Day and it was a little rushed when writing.


Amity Blight was conflicted. Serenas Day was less than a week away, and she was still trying to work up the courage to tell Luz how she felt. She wanted to do something special, something more than just giving Luz a note, but any time she was around Luz, her normally confident and calm composure fell apart. How was she supposed to make a plan so she doesn't make a fool of herself and tell Luz how she feels, all by the end of Serenas Day?

Serenas Day, that was a problem in itself. The one day of each year when the Serenas wakes up to watch the citizens of the Boiling Isles duel to earn their crush's or loved one's respect and admiration. A duel can happen for one of two reasons: someone can ask their crush to be their 'sere', which is essentially challenging your crush to a duel to admit that you respect their strength and that you want to show them your strength, or someone can challenge another witch to a duel to impress their crush who they would hope would be watching the duel. The Serenas observes the duel and if it is impressed it gives its blessing for a healthy and meaningful relationship, but the Serenas has not been impressed in a long time.

It was also dangerous to risk displeasing the Serenas. If it observed a duel that was too gentle for its liking, it'll influence the duelers to fight harder, become angrier, and these duels were often the most dangerous. Luckily, the Serenas also hasn't been displeased in a long time.

Amity was often challenged to duels by students who wanted to impress each other because of her status as the top student at Hexside. The majority of the students didn't think they would beat her, they just hoped to last long enough to show their strength. Amity sometimes pitied them, but most of the time was bored during the duels; however, she was always careful to make it exciting enough for the Serenas.

"What am I going to do?" Amity wondered out loud.

"What's wrong Mittens?" A male voice asked from behind her.

"Love problems?" Another voice, female this time, finished.

Amity turned her chair around to find her older siblings, Edric and Emira, leaning against her door frame.

"Edric, Emira! What have I told you about coming into my room?!" Amity annoyedly exclaimed.

"Technically, we're not in your room," Edric pointed out, gesturing to how he and his twin didn't go any farther than the doorway to her room.

"Whatever, just leave me alone!" Amity told them.

"We could leave, or we could help you plan something for Luz on Serenas Day," Emira offered.

Amity paused, thinking about the offer. Sure, she'd get teased relentlessly, but her siblings could offer some much-needed help when it comes to planning something for Luz. After a quick debate on whether the teasing was worth it, Amity sighed.

"Fine, you can stay."

"Hear that Ed?" Emira asked her twin.

"Yeah, we get to help our baby sister plan her date with Luz," Edric confirmed, both twins now wearing matching smirks.

"Don't make me regret this."


Luz was oblivious. Eda knew it, Willow knew it, heck, after Grom pretty much everyone knew it. Now, Willow was planning to use her oblivion to her advantage, along with her 'leap before you look' attitude.

Serenas Day: A Lumity One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now