Imagine: unexpected news

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Demi and I walked into the local coffee shop down the street from my apartment. She grabbed the cold metal handle and swung the door for me as she sniffled from the cold breeze throughout our walk. The burst of cold air had followed us into the coffee shop, Demi walks past me to the mugs. I chuckle to myself waiting in line, my girlfriend's favorite dish... mugs. ;)

"Next!" The cashier calls out, I walk up to the register. "Hi, what can I get for you today?" The cashier, Megan greets me. "Hey, Megan. Can I get a medium iced vanilla latte and a grande iced caramel macchiato?" She rings up what I told her. I look over at Demi who looked over the minute I looked at her, Demi gives me a small smile - she seems sad or uncomfortable.  "Okay, your total will be $11.76." I insert my card into the chip reader, type in my credit card PIN number. Once the little screen says 'remove your card', I do as I'm told. I slide my credit card back into my wallet and drop my wallet into my white purse. 

I walk over to Demi, I place my hand on the small of her back which makes her jump a little. "Sorry, babe. You're always looking at mugs no matter where we go." I tease her, I rub her back as she gave no reaction to my sentence. I grab her hand, taking her away from the shelf of mugs and to a table in the corner where it's lightly lit by a small overhead light. We sit across from each other in the metal chairs, I lay my arm on the table with my hand faced up telling Demi to grab my hand. 

Demi holds my hand lightly as she sets her phone faced down on the dark wood table. I study her face as she stares at her lap then flicks her eyes to the window that shows a busy street of cars passing by the coffee shop - her eyes are a little glossy meaning she's been trying not to cry. The barista brings us our drinks to the table, I look up at her and thank her as turns away back to work. 

I turn my attention back to Demi. "Are you okay?" I ask sliding her coffee toward her. She doesn't answer, looking at her iced coffee. I rub my thumb against her knuckles, "Demi?" She flicks her eyes in my direction, a tear falls onto her cheek. With her free hand, she wipes the salty tear away. "Um... I'm just, I'm okay." She whispers hoping no one heard her. "Demi, what's going on?" She licks her lips slowly, "I relapsed, I'm sorry..." 

I let go of her hand causing her to lightly gasp, I stand up from my chair as Demi watches my every move. She's scared, I know she is. You can see it in her eyes. I walk two steps to her chair, I move my way to the comfy window seat that's only on Demi's side of the table. As I sit down, I make sure my knees are touching her legs. I move the hair out of her face then lightly cupping her face with same hand, I rest my other hand on her crossed legs. After a few seconds, I pull my hand away from her face and place one finger under her chin so she can look at me again. "Don't apologize, it's okay. Everything will be okay, babe. I'm not mad at you, I'm not upset with you or anything. You know what I am though? I'm grateful. I'm grateful you told me. Thank you for telling me and now, we can work out what you need, okay? Don't feel ashamed that you relapsed, I am right here with you and I believe in you." I said softly.

Demi sniffles, I wipe away her tears with my thumbs. "Demi, I need you to believe in yourself. You can do this, you can become sober again." I lean in and kiss her pink moisturized lips, Demi thankfully kisses back. My right hand slides up from her leg to her waist, I squeeze her waist slightly. We pull away at the same time, "Thank you. I love you." I smile, "I love you too, Dems." She leans into me, rests her head on my shoulder and nuzzles her head into the part where your shoulder and neck connect, I forgot what it's called. I rub her back lightly, the ice in our iced coffee's has melted. That's not important.



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