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Bakugou POV


I woke up to soft sobs coming from next to me. I heard the sobs and muffled talking in Japanese. I could hear everything, but i dare not open my eyes. What is he crying about? Did he have a nightmare? Eventually, the words he mumbled became clearer. 

"Mom, no. I- I can't L-l-leave." He cried through his silent tears. 

Leave? What??

"I have someone- No he's not bad! Stop it!" He cried harder, hitting his leg in desperation for his mom to believe him. 

Am i bad?

"Mom. It's late. I'm letting you go. Grandma didn't like me, i dont need to be there. G-goodbye." He sniffled and placed the phone on his lap, ending the call. When his phone rang again, it displayed his Mother's contact;

"FUCK OFF!" He screamed, throwing the phone across the room, most likely smashing it to pieces. Breathing heavily, he turned to me, a soft sigh escaping his lips. 

"I know you're awake. You can stop pretending." He said, looking away and down into his lap.

"What was that about exactly?" I groan, sitting up with him. 

"My homophobic grandma died. My mom wanted me to go home for her funeral but i know if i do she'll just try to keep me there." He sobbed more. I brought him close to me. 

"Shhh. Don't cry Baby Seal. I'm so proud you had the confidence to stand up her. Although, your phone is probably destroyed." I chuckle at that last sentence, so does he. 

"Yeah, but remember. I'm an Osaki. Whether my mom likes it or not, my father still treats me like his son. SO i can get a new one." He had a small smile on his face. His tears began to dry. 

"Well aware Seal." I laugh, patting his head. 

"Hey! What-" He was cut off by my phone ringing. It displaying an unknown number, i decide to answer. I put it an speaker so Shotaro can hear it as well. A mistake on my part.

"Hi. This is Mrs. Osaki from Osaki Inc. Please be aware, i know what you're doing to my son. He isnt gay. Tell him you're playing with him or I will find you just as easy as it was to find your phone number f*ggot!" The female voice on the other line shrieked and Shotaro once again burst into tears. I growled. 

This motherfucker. 

"Listen lady. I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to, but this is Ground Zero. Yes, the number 2 hero. You're son is sobbing into my chest right now because youre such a bitch. Maybe if you knew how to be a good mother, your son would want to call you more. But unfortunately, you decided to be a close-minded, conservative biggot. Now please, leave me and my beautiful boyfriend THE. FUCK. ALONE." With that, i ended the call and blocked the number. Shotaro still sobbing into my chest, leading to a panic attack. 

"Hey hey. It's okay. You're safe. Grounding, c'mon Baby Seal." I held him close & tight, "3 things you can feel. Two things you can hear & One thing you can smell." Shotaro nodded, tried slowing down his hyperventilating to answer.

"U-um. The blanket... uh.. th-the silk of my pajama pants and- and your.. wow.. very. heh, " Shotaro takes a breath and a chuckle before continuing, "Your hard biceps." I chuckle. 

"Okay, next." I chuckle, a slight blush on my cheeks.

"um.. The rain outside and the clock. And your cologne." He smiles at me, catching his breath at wiping his tears. "Thank you Bakugou."

I smile, "Always Baby Seal." 

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