Landon Romaine

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_______________Physical Information Gender: MaleAge: 28Height: 180cmWeight: 60kgsOccupation: Defense attorneyStatus: Alive________PersonalityLandon is almost incapable of feeling emotions, but is excellent at faking them

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Physical Information
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 180cm
Weight: 60kgs
Occupation: Defense attorney
Status: Alive
Landon is almost incapable of feeling emotions, but is excellent at faking them. He is a master manipulator, and can make the people around him think positively of him with ease. He is not truly evil, and he has not committed any crimes, but, he is often at the brink of snapping. Overall, he might seem like a nice person, but, he is actually a manipulative and unpredictable person.
Landon was born to Alexa Romaine and John Wyatt. The two were an ordinary married couple, and, at first, Landon was normal too. But, after receiving a nasty scar from Akikira Goldbell poking his eye with a stick, he changed. He was cold and distant, and no longer experienced emotions like sadness, happiness, love, hate, fear, or anger. He was no longer normal. He wasn't like the other kids anymore. His strange behaviors weren't strange enough to be taken as a mental illness, though. So, he never got counseling or took any medicine in his life. Sometimes, very odd things did happen. His mother Alexa always told him that if he didn't fall asleep in time, a monster would kill him. He laughed off these stories and thought that if a monster ever tried to kill him, the monster would be the one dead. To back up her stories, Alexa always put a dummy next to his bed at night. One day, Landon woke up and saw the dummy. He grabbed a knife from the kitchen cabinet and slit the dummy's throat, causing stuffing to pour out. He threw the dummy in a garbage incinerator outside of his and his family's home and put the knife back where it belonged. He had succeeded in murdering the monster who stood by his bed every night and disposing of the evidence. The next day, Alexa couldn't find the dummy anywhere. But, she soon forgot about it. When Landon was ten years old, something important happened in his life. Alexa gave birth to another child, a girl. She named her daughter Natasha. Landon always took care of his baby sister and loved her dearly. Even though he was almost incapable of feeling emotions, a big emphasis on the "almost", he did genuinely love his sister. When Landon grew up and graduated high school, he went to a law college and became a defense attorney. He was very successful, and won every case. His cases are described in the book "The Real".
Additional Information
The book starring Landon was originally a Gacha Life series, but, I adapted it into a book.
The surname "Romaine" is based off of romaine lettuce, a species of lettuce.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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