🌺Sent To Heart🌺

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                                                                                            GlossedOver: You're the reason my life feels so perfect, so complete, I owe my life to you...

SunnySquirrelUmmm ._. Not to be rude but... Who exactly are you and how do i respond to this message?

There's no need to respond, I just needed to get something off my chest...The fact that I feel my life isn't complete without you

SunnySquirrel: umm,wow that's- •👄• but can you tell me who you are?

                                                                                   Nah, I'll pass my guy

SunnySquirrel: Please pretty please?

                                                                      Your new stepdad, yOuNgIn

SunnySquirrel: fine I get you don't wanna tell me, can I at least have your preferred pronouns so when I spill tea about you to my friends I don't misgender you 😌
                                                           That's pretty up close and honest...

SunnySquirrel: Honesty is the best policy as my mama says 😌

                            Umm okay then He/Him is my preferred pronouns

OHOHO you're a guy?!?!

               No, I'm a microwave oven, what the fuck do you think?!?!

SunnySquirrel: that you're a microwave oven?

                                                                   HOW DUMB CAN YOU GET?!?!
I see why your username is "GlossedOver" because you're just glossing over the fact you said you were a damned microwave oven

And I see why your username is "SunnySquirrel" is because you are as scattered brained as a squirrel

SunnySquirrel: THAT was uncalled for sir

                                                       I really don't care bro, now good bye

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