🌺Damn Okay Shakespeare🌺

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(A/N: heyo so still not very motivated but I do remember writing down stuff for this chap so I'm just going with it and maybe adding a little bit of spice ;) no not in that way, to make the story interesting, oh and I would like to clarify underlined dialogue is Yoongi and Italicized dialogue is Hoseok, anyways enjoy!-Keoji)

GlossedOver: I starve for your passion,your black hair, a kiss through the sea your brown eyes, a love through your soul my passion,my love

SunnySquirrel: Damn okay Shakespeare, I see you 😏

GlossedOver: I- did you just?

SunnySquirrel: just what?

GlossedOver: forget it, before I get to have an actual conversation with you it all turns to shit, my efforts are clearly not wooing you enough to get a proper sensible reaction

SunnySquirrel: I'm sorry I just don't know how to have conversations like these so I resort to humor....

GlossedOver: I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it that way.. as long as you're responding I'm okay... :}

SunnySquirrel: awww!

GlossedOver: aww what?

SunnySquirrel: you used an emoticon!

GlossedOver: is that like a rare achievement?

SunnySquirrel: from what I've seen of you, yes

GlossedOver: oh I see, well should I use them more often?

SunnySquirrel: of course! They make you seem cute and soft!

GlossedOver: What if I don't want to seem "cute and soft"?

SunnySquirrel: Well that's your choice, I'm not gonna force it upon you!

GlossedOver: seems like psychological manipulation but okay

SunnySquirrel: no lmao, I'm serious, Gloss!

GlossedOver: Gloss?

SunnySquirrel: I'm sorry I thought because I don't know your legal name I would make a nickname for you, I'm sorry if it offended you 😔

GlossedOver: No no! Not at all, I actually really like the name, thank you!

SunnySquirrel: really??

GlossedOver: really..

SunnySquirrel: omg you're so friggin cute and i haven't seen your face 😔

GlossedOver: didn't I just tell you I didn't want to seem cute

SunnySquirrel: well you most likely are, unless.... Wait wait

GlossedOver: Wait what?

SunnySquirrel: how do I know you're not lying to me? Like...you just telling me your age could just be you faking it?

GlossedOver: well I'm not telling you who I am or what a look like so.. I guess I am lying to you

SunnySquirrel: dayum that hurts worse than I thought it would 😔

GlossedOver: why exactly?

SunnySquirrel: If you knew me so well you would obviously know i hate liars 👁👄👁

GlossedOver: Listen, I'm just not ready to let you know who I am okay? You already know I like you so if you knew who I was you would laugh at me, okay?

SunnySquirrel: wait you what....did I read that correctly

GlossedOver: I thought you knew? I was being very up close and honest with you..

SunnySquirrel: like you said, I'm scatter brained 😔

GlossedOver: I didn't mean it, okay?

SunnySquirrel: okay!

GlossedOver: so...

SunnySquirrel: so...

GlossedOver: have a great day then!

SunnySquirrel: you too

                                       "That was awkward..."

(A/N: I ran out ideas and decided to end it with that lol, sorry for the short chap and the inactivity, I can't promise a normal update schedule, my time for Wattpad and the ability to use it is always being moved around so I can't keep and update schedule for my books, hope you understand-Keoji)

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