Valentine's Day

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Orenji Chaneru: [opens her house door with a bunch of hearts in her arms] Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! [throws hearts everywhere. She hands one to Ren Höek, but he rudely tears it up. She gives one to Lola Loud, but her kiddie car runs into a fire hydrant. She gives GIR a pink cupcake. Orenji leaps over to Rekishi's place]

Rekishi Chaneru: Happy Valentine's Day, Orenji. I'm Pocky for you. [gets out a strawberry Pocky]

Orenji Chaneru: [puts the strawberry Pocky away and takes out a box of chocolates] Well, I'm choco for you, Reki. [gives the chocolate truffles to Rekishi]

Rekishi Chaneru: [eats the chocolate truffles] Mmmm, chocolate. Mighty tasty. Oroka's gonna love the one you made for him. [a chocolate balloon is shown and then Orenji and Rekishi run over and Rekishi gets into the basket] Take me through the plan again.

Orenji Chaneru: Okay. [Orenji pulls out a paper] Step one: [manly voice] Oroka and I get to the Valentine's Day carnival. [a stick figure-like Orenji and Oroka fly in and hop onto the carnival] Step two: I position Oroka and myself on top of the Ferris wheel. [both of them hop over to the Ferris wheel where it rides up to the top. Draws a chocolate hot air balloon] Step three: You arrive at designated checkpoint for maximum visual contact. [the balloon floats over above the carnival] Step four: Oroka is thrilled. Mission accomplished. [a piece of paper has been crumble and then we see Oroka with a pink sweater and building a heart with Legos and picks it up] Hi, Oroka.

Oroka Fukai: [imagines the heart is talking to him] Hello?

Orenji Chaneru: Oroka, it's me, Orenji.

Oroka Fukai: Orenji, what are you doing in there?

Orenji Chaneru: Oroka!

Oroka Fukai: Oh, my gosh! Oren...Orenji is stuck inside this Lego! [screams] Hold on, buddy, I'll get you out! [smashes the Lego into a pile of pieces] Orenji? Orenji?

Orenji Chaneru: Oroka...

Oroka Fukai: Orenji! [cries and rubs the pile of Lego against the side of his face] Orenji...!

Orenji Chaneru: Oroka, I'm right behind you! [Oroka turns around]

Oroka Fukai: There you are. [holds the pile of Lego in his hands] Happy Valentine's Day! Here's your present.

Orenji Chaneru: And I have a present for you!

Oroka Fukai: You do?

Orenji Chaneru: It's the greatest... [Oroka gets excited] ...the bestest... [Oroka gets more excited] ...the most fantabulous... [Oroka gets even more excited] ...present ever! [bounces and rolls all around all excited and overjoyed] But you can't have it yet. [Oroka stops rolling and bouncing around]

Oroka Fukai: Huh? Why not?

Orenji Chaneru: Because it's not ready yet.

Oroka Fukai: Is it ready now?

Orenji Chaneru: Not yet.

Oroka Fukai: How about now?

Orenji Chaneru: Do you want to ruin the surprise?

Oroka Fukai: Yes!

Orenji Chaneru: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!

Oroka Fukai: Oh, come on, please!

Orenji Chaneru: Hmmm...nope, sorry.

Oroka Fukai: [grabs on to Orenji's legs and feet] You gotta tell me!

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