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I am freezed where I am standing and crying in the middle of the crowd . My whole body is aching with pain. I can't look at Lee and that blondie anymore so I start running towards the bridge. I am fucking boring , I am not the type of girl who he can love, I am such a gross! I don't deserve him , I don't deserve anyone! anyone! I don't wanna live anymore!! I wanna die!

I am not in myself while running. While running a car comes from my right side and I am almost hit by it. The car's headlight is too bright so I tried to protect my eyes with my hands . I couldn't see the person's face who is driving the car due to the brightness. I continue running as I don't want to know who the hell is driving the car. My cheeks are totally wet now and my legs are paining very much due to the heels which I am wearing. I can't run anymore!

I reach the bridge , there is no one here. I am the only one who is here and that's a relief , I need some space. I am panting heavily. I can't live anymore! I am not worth of living. I took my heels off and throw it into the river with my full potential. I see the heels drown into the river. I want to jump off the bridge. I step out to the edge , keeping my eyes on the river. My toes are numb. I flung myself off the bridge through the open air . The water is chilling cold, colder than I'd feared. My legs cramp in the icy water, my ears are flooded with freezing water. The water is drowning me into the water . Water flooded down my throat , choking . My leg is stuck downwards to something which is dragging me deeper into the river.
"I love you mom" was my last thought.

"Breathe!" an unknown boy's voice orders me. I can't obey the order as the waterfall pouring from my mouth is not stopping long enough to catch a breath.

"Breathe, damn it" . A pair of hot hands are pressing my chest forcefully to make me able to breathe. My chest is filled with water , it is impossible to breathe. I felt a hot mouth pressed against my mouth blowing air into my lungs. It worked, I can breathe now.

"Jesus, stay away from me" I gasp pushing him away. Visions are not still not clear to me so I rub my eyes . I am sitting on the bench of the school's ground. I notice the boy carefully. The boy's black hair is totally wet , water is dropping from his hair. He has a warm porcelain skin and piercing dark brown eyes. He's body is toned and lean but not overly muscular and bulky.

" Stay away from me, don't you dare to touch me " I growl.

"Fuck!! I'm not gonna do anything to you , I was just trying to save your life psycho, you should be grateful to me for saving your life" he shrills.

He grabs his coat which is lying on the ground and left without his identification. I am being left alone in this moonless night. I realised I am shivering with cold and I am totally wet. I had lost my phone and my clatch so I can't call a cab . I start walking to home.

Love :- The beginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora