Valentines Date on the Beach

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Sero picked Izuku up from home to take him on a cute Beach date. Izuku told Tomura goodbyes, he just glared at Sero like he would kill him every second but he let them go. He knew that Izuku had a crush on Sero, he would wait till they come back and see if he had to hurt Sero, no one would hurt his younger brother.
The Beach date was cute themed, they both where dressed lovely. They took a walk on the beach and sat down somewhere as they didn't wanted to walk around anymore. The Sun was setting so both looked at it. "You're as beautiful as the Sunset Izu." Sero said in a flirty way, Izuku blushes and didn't know how to answer he just stutters "T-thanks" Sero found that really cute and decided to flirt some more with the Green haired boy. Izuku meanwhile was just a blushing mess, it was oblivious that he liked Sero. He always tried to say something back but he just stuttered a answer the date was very lovely as both had their enjoyment in it. Sero brought Izuku home at the end. "Wanna go on a second Date?" Sero wanted to get even closer to Deku. Deku nods "S-sure. I-i really enjoyed our date." Sero smiles proudly "Then I wish you a good night Izu." Izuku smiles softly "Y-yeah good night to you too Sero." Izuku opens the door just to see Tomura waiting for him. "Tell me how was it?" He asked "It was very lovely. He asked me on a second date." Tomura smiles as he was really happy for his brother. "What did you said?" Izuku blushes "I said yes."

- the end -

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