The Story (this will be only one part)

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Adrien never even met her eye anymore. The first person his age to ever talk to him, to ever be his friend, and this was how he repaid her. He was moving to New York with that...that Dupain-Cheng girl, after they'd be graduating in less than four months. Currently, it was the evening of February 12th, and she, Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of the most powerful man in Paris, was alone, stalking all her happy classmates on Instagram. Even her ex-girlfriend, Sabrina, had moved on (she was dating some boy from America now). Frustrated, Chloe threw her phone across her bed. She probably deserved loneliness. She was a horrible person, one who wasn't allowed to be happy. She'd always known that, her mother had made sure of it. Knowing that she had no reason to stay up, other than binging Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Chloe tucked herself into bed and fell asleep.

Chloe woke up at promptly 7:15am. She changed into a yellow skirt and a striped blouse, and pulled her hair into a bun, secured with a pencil. She was working at the front office today. Her father had decided last year that she had outgrown her shenanigans and needed to learn some work ethic. He had her working front desk at the hotel and she'd be headed to business school in the fall. She was less than thrilled.

She poured herself a smoothie, before heading to the office. She worked a few jobs, before a man with a moustache came in, with two children. Chloe gaped. She recognized one of the man's kids. The girl had pink hair, only now it was cut into a bob. She had the same blue eyes, determined expression, and punk clothes. It was Alix Klubdel. She moved away to a more rural side of France after Freshman year (her father had feared the akumas) but she still was recognizable. Alix did not look pleased to see Chloe. The feeling was mutual. Alix's dad came over to the desk, with Alix and her brother close behind him.

"Ms. Bourgeois, is that you?" he asked. She looked up.

"Yes." she stated simply, flipping through files.

"Well, I don't know if you remember me, er I'm Alim Kubdel? My daughter was in school with you?"

"I know perfectly well who you are. You're in room 12." Chloe replied curtly, handing him the key. He took it, still grinning. Man, he could not read a room, could he?

"You know, Alix, Chloe, I bet you two have a lot of catching up to do." he said. "Why doesn't Alix stay down here for a bit?" he suggested. Alix winced.

"Dad, it's really fine-"
"Nonsense, Alix." he said, more firmly. "I insist, you must catch up with your classmate!"
"Well, Dad, I really wouldn't want to disturb Chloe-"

"Fair point, would you be alright with this, Chloe?"

Chloe bit her lip. At work, she wasn't Madame Chloe Bourgeois, she was an employee, who was representing Mayor Bourgeois in everything she did. She needed to do that here. She inhaled sharply, before she replied.

"No, that's perfectly fine! It'd be lovely to catch up with a peer." Chloe hated saying each of these words. See, if this were Madame Bourgeois speaking, she would have said something more along the lines of: "Please, as if I'd want to hang out with your atrocious child, who, may I add, is very clearly your offspring." But, that wasn't an option. Mr. Kubdel grinned. Excellent. Jalil and I will head to the room." And with that, they were gone. Chloe glared at Alix. She may have had to be Madame Bourgeois to the client, but it never said a thing about the client's daughter. Alix grabbed a mint from the jar at the desk.

"What are you doing?" exclaimed Chloe. Alix stared back at her.

"Don't you have a Valentine's date with Sabrina? You guys are dating now, so why are you still here?" Alix asked. Chloe narrowed her eyes at Alix.

"For your information, Kubdel we broke up in November." Chloe grunted. Alix grabbed another mint. "Will you stop doing that?!"

"I can't say I'm surprised. Sabrina was always so nice, I was always confused as to why she liked you." Alix said bluntly. Chloe turned to her.

"Alix, if you're going to harass me while I'm doing my job, at least be of some help. Get me an iced latte from the Dupain bakery." she ordered. Alix leaned on the desk.

"Huh. I thought you wouldn't want to support them, given the situation, with Marinette and Adrien-"

"Just because their brat of a daughter is the reason my best friend hates me, doesn't mean I can't enjoy good coffee." snapped Chloe, shuffling through her papers. Alix slid over, and faced Chloe.

"I knew her identity beforehand." she said, pulling a pen away from Chloe. Chloe rolled her eyes.

"No you didn't. Hell, not even Chat-I mean Adrien knew who she was." Chloe said, a little startled now. She'd always known Alix to be a bit off putting, but could the girl always be insane? Alix nodded.

"Yeah. Back in the superhero days, I was Bunnyx." she said. "I mean, obviously my dad couldn't find out because he was so scared of all the attacks already...imagine if he knew his daughter was in the middle of all that. But, everyday there was an akuma, Ladybug would call me. I'd transform and go over to Paris." explained Alix. Chloe looked her in the eye.

"Prove it."

Alix reached into a pocket in her black jeans, and pulled out a silver watch. She opened it and a-kwami fell out. Alix gave it a carrot, while smirking at Chloe. Chloe was stunned. She hadn't seen a kwami since Freshman year, during the short period of time when Ladybug intrusted her with a miraculous. Chloe dropped her pen.

"I have to go." Chloe said, running up the flight of stairs. Alix looked concerned, and began chasing after her. Chloe slammed the door to her suite, and had Jean-Peter close the door behind her.

Chloe heard a knock at her door. She checked her phone. It was the middle of the night. Had something happened? Who on earth would need her at 3am? She slipped out of bed, and sauntered to the door. At the door, was Alix. Although Chloe hated to admit it, she looked rather cute in her neon shorts and lacy black top.

"Kubdel, what are you (yawn) doing here?" grunted Chloe. Alix leaned against the doorway, and smirked at the other girl.

"Well, truth be told, I was feeling bad about earlier. So, Hornet, I was hoping to make it up to you."

Chloe crossed her arms.

"What do you mean?"
Alix yanked Chloe's arms and ran her out of her hotel room.

"Just come with me."

Chloe and Alix ran so far, farther than Chloe could ever remember running. Eventually they reached a...boat? Chloe turned to Alix. A band was playing inside the boat.

"This is Juleka's place." Alix explained. "Luka told me their band does early morning concerts, it's even cooler than I imagined."

Chloe stared at her for a second.

"I wouldn't know. Nobody's talked to me since I split up with Sabrina." Chloe said. "They all already hated me, but me ending it with someone I liked pushed them over the edge. I'm one hundred percent isolated now." Chloe sighed, fidgeting with her hands. "Not that I care. I'm too good for them anyway."

Alix looked at Chloe, as the blonde girl felt her face heat up. Chloe realized, all in a moment, that she liked Alix. Ever since middle school, before she came to terms with her sexuality as a lesbian, Chloe had a thing for her.

Alix smirked, and laced her shivering fingers through Chloe's.

"Sure you were, Hornet." She proceeded to squeeze Chloe's hand. "Happy Valentine's Day, Queen Bee."

"You too, Bunnyx." 

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