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I rung the doorbell as I stood facing the door to Zach's apartment. My head throbbing with pain because of the lack of sleep and alcohol consumption in the past two nights. Yet I somehow managed to look fresh enough to fool everyone with makeup. I was wearing the white t-shirt that I somehow managed to pull out of my closet along with black track pants and my hair was tied up in a bun.

Zach opened the door looking half asleep and annoyed for disturbing him at 7 in the morning. Well, I couldn't help myself after being up all night. I was extremely bored and desperately wanted to get out of this drug addict state of mine. Managing to put up a bright fake smile on my face I looked him in the eye.

"Why the hell are you here at 7 in the morning?" He groaned.

"Let's go out, grab some coffee and have fun all day", I suggested, ignoring his question.

He looked me dead in the eye as if I was a mad woman. Did coming to someone's place at 7 a.m. to ask him out for coffee make me sound like a woman who was high on sleeplessness? Perhaps.

"That's what you came to ask at such an ungodly hour? Go back to bed Hannah and let me sleep too", he said almost slamming the door on my face before I put my hand in between.
"Hear me out, didn't you want to hang out the day before? Let's do so today", I almost pleaded. "Please?" I really wanted to stop thinking and do better things, or maybe just stop thinking for a while.

Getting the memo, he sighed and opened the door widely to let me in.
"Fine, give me 15 mins".

He headed towards the shower as I seated myself on the couch, taking a look at his apartment. I hadn't really had a proper look the first time I had been here. It was messy, clothes lying on the bed, the chairs, the couch and almost on every furniture. Everything was scattered but now things were placed where they originally belonged. Uni hadn't even started yet and his organisation skills were already at it's worst state. I was a clumsy person myself but not to this extent, at least that's what I'd like to think. His apartment has two bedrooms, an open kitchen joining the living area, the interior has a wooden theme making the apartment feel cozy. In conclusion it's a nice place but he really needed to clean his mess in here.

I never really had guy friends, I still don't I just started talking and maybe became friends with Zach because of Rachel. It felt weird in the beginning since I wasn't used to having male company but now I'm trying to get used to it. I don't know Zach personally, just from whatever I've heard or been told about him. Despite this how did I trust him regarding this situation? I wasn't the kind of person to go around trusting people with others, especially not my bestfriend's business. I guess it was the fact that I knew he really cared for her and loved her like I did. I just hope, I didn't do the wrong thing, because if it is wrong, then I'm screwed.

Someone snapped their finger in front of me, startled I look up to the hand owner. "What are you thinking? I've been calling your name for the last 20 minutes and you are just ignoring me." Zach said pouting.

"Cut it out, drama queen it hasn't even been 20 mins since I arrived." I said sighing exasperatedly. "Anyway, you done?" I ask.

"Yeah let's go now."


"It just goes anywhere, literally anywhere but hit the balls!" I said, angrily.

Zach suggested going to the bowling alley which sounded like a plan 'cause I had never bowled before, so here we were standing in a bowling alley and me not being able to strike even once while Zach enjoyed laughing at me fail at this miserable game a miserable number of times.

"Its- It isn't.......a ball Hannah-" He said between his laughs, "Bowling pins. That's what they are called" and broke into another fit of laughter.

"I don't care what in the hell they are called but can you just stop laughing and goddamn teach me?" I half-yelled, furiously.

The illicit affairs of Hannah MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now