I'm Sorry.

14 2 0

Word Count: 2319

TW: Abuse, Vomiting, Suicide, Mentions of Suicide, Sexual Harassment, Starving

I sigh as I get up out of bed. I look over at my phone 8 am. I check Twitter.
dream @dreamwastaken.

My heart raced, I missed his Twitter! I grown out loud and quickly shut my mouth. My realization of my aunt being at her workplace was quickly followed by a sigh of relief.

I huf again and get out of bed. As I hear a feel my phone vibrate I pop open Twitter and see the Quackity tweeted. 'My mum said I was adopted...please give me some likes..'
I snort at the realization of him making fun of Tommy. I head downstairs to start cleaning...

Time Skip: 3pm

I yawn and fall back onto the couch.
"Man I'm beat," I say. A few seconds later I quickly run up the stairs, hearing my aunt coming home.

"RIA!" She yells.
I feel my legs give out and fall onto the floor.
"RIA HOW DARE YOU! COME DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT YOU WORTHLESS CHILD!" I glance into the mirror, I have no idea why she calls me a child, I am now focused on the mirror.

My hand falls to my stomach. I poke at what looks to be the only fat I have on my body.

"I wish I was so much skinnier..." I hear my aunt stomping up the stairs, "I TOLD YOU TO COME DOWN HERE! OH, I WONDER WHY UR PARENTS KILLED THEMSELVES, THEY DID WANT SUCH A USELESS CHILD! YOUR SO LUCKY I TOOK U IN, AND WHAT DO I HAVE HERE! SOMEONE WHO DOSNT EVEAPPRECIATETE WHAT I'VE GIVEN HER! LET ALONE EVER DO ANYTHING IVE TOLD HER!" Though I wince at the part about my parents, her words don't have an immediate effect on me.

Time Skip: 8 pm

My aunt has a problem. She's a drinker... But hopefully, she doesn't come home tonight.. I start my job tonight.. For the first time, I am working a formal job. Oh boy did I tell you I'm nervous.. Cause well... I am... really really nervous...

I glance over at the clock on my nightstand. 8:30 It read. Oh snap! I'm late! I run and put my mini skirt on and slip my vest over my white long sleeve shirt. Oh yay.. I have the wear a vest... I run my hand over the wrinkles to smooth them out.. There I say before making an attempt to run to the front door.

Yes I said attempt. It was quickly replaced with a face plant onto the floor..

I sigh and grab my purse,"I have been thinking of ending it recently.." Its not like id be missed.. I think to myself as I hope into my car. "Hmm.." I make a noise before selecting the Dream live stream on twitch.

As I select it I hear,"Chat I have some great news!" I giggle because I see the dream notification pop up on my stream. "Hah, I beat the notif!" I pronounce proudly.

"Chat I'm going to New York for vacation!" Dream says, Meanwhile My heart stops.. New York... As in NEW YORK CITY!? That's where I live... I
Start shaking. "N-New York.. No no it can't be.." I say as I pull into the parking lot. "Wow.. New York.."

I get out of the car and feel the cool autumn breeze. I put the heel of my flats onto the ground. "Hello mam'! Would you like for me to show you around?" I look up to see a middle-aged man starting back at me. "Oh uh sure-" I squint to see his badge, "Manager, Miles?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Ah yes.. And you must be Ms. Ria White?" He smiles showing his teeth. I look into his eyes and shiver. Can this guy get any creepier I thought to myself.

I look back up and meet his hand. Just great... "Ah yes, yes I am!" I say plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Heh great I'll be seeing you around." He said dragging out the r in around a little too long..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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