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Before we begin, I would like to say a HUGE GINORMOUS GIGANTIC THANK YOU to ALL of my readers, it means so much to me that people are actually reading this. And I would like to give an especially big thank you to @Lizzo77 and @Jamarasieburn for adding this book to ty wit reading lists. It really means a lot to me!

 It really means a lot to me!

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heyare you almost ready?

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are you almost ready?

yeah I think
I did my hair
but I'm still trying to decide which dress would be best

can you show me?

I'm thinking either this one

okayI'm thinking either this one

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or this one

which do you think?

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which do you think?

they both look amazing
it's your choice
I dont know much about girls fashion
but I think you should wear whichever one makes you happy

I was leaning towards that one anyways
thanks you!
i'll put it on and then i'll text you.

okay sounds good.


Keefe waited patiently for Sophie to text him. What was taking her so long? He was sure she had some kind of malfunction with her makeup, but should it really take that long? He sighed. Suddenly, his phone buzzed, and so did his heart. It was Sophie.
Keefe immediately pulled out his leaping crystal and light leaped to Havenfield.

And there she was. Standing on the steps. Sophie Foster, the most beautiful girl in the world. She wore a silky gown that pooled at her feet like liquid sky. The sleeveless dress bared her arms and chest, and it was adorned with silver decorations that made the dress seem all the more elegant. The long tulle skirts swished as she walked, and made it seem as if she were gliding along the ground rather than walking. She had done something to her hair, and it seemed extra soft and wavy. It tumbled down her shoulders, highlighting her face. The golden flecks in her deep brown eyes were brought out by the golden eyeliner rimming her lashes. Altogether, she looked almost surreal. Keefe could have sworn she was walking on a cloud. He could have sworn that he was walking on a cloud after seeing her.

Sophie descended the stairs, trying to ditch her clumsiness, but to no avail. She tripped on the second stair, falling forward. She would have fallen if Keefe hadn't caught her. He held her waist, setting her down gently on the ground. She was blushing-but that was nothing new. Sophie always seemed to be blushing around Keefe, and it didn't help that she was wearying a fancy gown.

"So. Where are we going today?" Sophie asked.

"You'll see." He told her in response.

Then they light leaped away to the rock that led to Atlantis. It wasn't extra windy that day, which was good since Sophie didn't want to mess up her hair. Sophie reached for Keefe's hand, and together they jumped down into the whirlpool into Atlantis.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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