Chapter 6

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How the hell did I go from being 'incredible' to someone she didn't want to talk to at all? Whenever I see that idiot she'll run away... does she think I hate her...? Dumbass... Er- maybe it's because I called her things like that- what else have I done...? Let's see I've pushed her around, and I may have bonked at her head- oh my god. Lloyd Walker was quietly thinking to himself over things that he had done to Maebelle Evans in order to make her run away from him.

The male sighed and fell flat on his back on the side of his bed, laying his arm over his face. Y'know what. It's fine. I've been annoyed with her before... I'll just act like I am again. But for a longer time period.

"Well I know I can't necessarily decide this, but... I'm making today your birthday...! Happy Birthday, Lloyd...! I promise, next year it will be much more exciting!" Idiot. "I was just focused on you." Idiot... "It means I know I'm brave." He removed his arm from his forehead, and had a calming expression in his eyes. She was one dumb, but brave girl. ...She's suffered so much...but is so brave...

"Nope. Stop it." Lloyd whispered to himself. "Because you know what is going to happen if you continue thinking like this... the people that wronged her will... start showin' up in your head..."

"Then there will be even more blood on your hands..." The light green eyed male said.

Damn it! No! Not right now! I should take a walk! I'll just get a soda or something. He thought before standing up and grabbing some change he had on the table.


"I'm such a horrible human being!" A certain raven haired female thought, thinking over the past few days about how unpleasant she's been.

I call this man my first friend and yet I keep running away from him...! How terrible could I be?! The girl thought.

"Maebelle, are you okay? You look pale." Her mother questioned.

The Evans family was sitting at the dinner table eating, and for once it was quiet, well until the mother had spoken up.

"Umm y-yes... I-I'm... fine..." Maebelle whispered, looking down at her food. "J-Just not that hungry..."

"Probably thinking about how she's going to be sneaking out tonight." Kyle had said.

"Sneaking out...?" The mother, Cassandra, had asked, raising an eyebrow.

Maebelle choked. No, she hadn't necessarily 'snuck out' of the house. But, sometimes she was out later than usual at some points to hang out with Lloyd.

"I don't remember Maebelle doing anything bad. If anything she's the most well behaved child we've had." The father, Travis, had said.

The other three children looked offended before smirking. "Y'know Maebelle, has been hanging out with someone sometimes!" Audrey spoke up.

H-How did they know?! The blue eyed young woman thought shocked as sweat creased her eyebrow.

"She has?" Her mother asked.

"Oh, does that mean she finally made a friend? That's good." Her father added.

"Yeah! In the mornings! Sometimes in the afternoons too we'll see her talking with this guy-" One of her brother's got cut off.

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