Chapter 13

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"Hmm mmm mmm~" Mae was quietly humming to herself while quietly cooking.

"Wow~ that's quite the nice humming you have~ you could sing to people~" A certain whisper white haired male said, leaning against the wall next to her.

"Gah?!" The female quickly turned around to see him. "Stop showing up randomly...! You're going to give me a heart attack...!"

"Yeah, yeah~ anyways, I didn't see any cars outside, where is everyone else?" Lloyd asked, trying to look at what she was making.

"My siblings have sports today..." Mae explained, "but please go upstairs, I don't want a repeat of what happened before..." she sighed.

Lloyd nodded. "Can you bring me something to eat?" He asked.

"Fine, fine, just go...!" She said, waving her left arm, telling him to go upstairs, and trying to cook with her right.

After about ten minutes Mae had gone to her room with two plates full of what she had made, she put both plates down on the floor. "Here you go~! Please don't spill anything." She said, sitting on the floor in front of him.

"So, what did you make anyways?" The male asked.

"Spaghetti, but without certain spices, due to my dad's allergies." The raven haired girl said, covering her blue eyes.

Ah, she already knew... he pulled down his black mask and started to eat. Wow, just like before, this is really good.

"Well? How is it...?" Mae asked, she seemed a bit nervous to hear his answer, considering she couldn't see his face.

"I think it's good," he said when he finished up, "and you can put your hands down," he pulled his mask up.

"Huh? Really?" She asked, putting her hands down. "You think that? You're not just trying to pity me are you?"

"Since when have I pitied you?" He asked, rolling his green eyes. "Seriously, it was good."

"I'm glad, usually my siblings will critique it on how poorly I did... so, it's nice to get another person's point of view...!" The girl said happily, before eating.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "Speaking of your siblings, don't you want to eat with your family?"

"Hm? Why did you think I brought two plates up? I wanted to eat with you." Mae said with a smile. "If my parents get mad that I started dinner 'by myself' then they can get mad, I don't care."

"Wow, look who has become more confident~ I'm so proud of you~" The male said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Well after knowing you for almost a year, it's kind of rubbed off on me-" she paused.

"What? What did you or I do?" He asked, rubbing his forehead, annoyed to hear the answer.

"No, no, it's not that. I know it's only late July, but... what would you like to do for your birthday, Lloyd?" Mae asked.

"Hm?" That's right. He never actually kept track of his actual birthday, so, Mae said the day they met was his birthday, and his assumed age was twenty three, meaning, he would assume to be twenty four years old.

"Nothing much, I guess... What we're doing now is fine too. Maybe we can add in your siblings or something, I really don't care-" The male cut himself off. However... "I won't go near Maebelle Cynthia Evans. And I'm assuming you don't want me going near her eleven- wait no- now she's twelve years old little sister, and her now nine year old twin brothers, her father, and her... pregnant mother." She's definitely out for them-!

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