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Patrick was the only one who knew what to do, I thought as I ran towards his house as fast as I could even though my leg was bleeding from that stupid broken bottle on the ground. I wasn't terrified of that but of the guys who are chasing me they tried to get me in the alley I knew what they were gonna do so I ran. When I finally made it to his house, I pounded in the door I turned around to see the guys run towards me from around the corner. I pounded on the door again to have it swing open only to see Pete rubbing his eyes and standing there in a shirt and shorts. I pushed him in and closed the door and locking it, I turned around and saw Pete looking surprised yet tired "W-where's Patrick?" I asked him half traumatized and shook up, he pointed upstairs "up there, why what's wrong?" He asked urgently, I just felt tears well up in my eyes "Just get him! He's the-" I was cut off from footsteps coming down the stairs I turned to see Patrick looking down at us, I tried to run to the stairs where Patrick appeared only to stumble and wince in pain. I sat on the ground and held my leg in pain "Y/N! What happened!" Patrick said urgently while looking at my leg, I trembled in his arms "I-I was walking home when these guys tried to..to." I didn't finish I quietly sobbed in his chest, he held me in a warm embrace "shhh, it's okay there gone now they-" he was cut off from pounding on the door, I pushed my face into his chest. Just then, I heard the door open I peeked to see Pete go outside and close the door behind him, I heard him and other guys yell outside, before the yelling got louder Patrick got me up and carried me to his room. "Here we'll least get less yelling up here." He said softly, he then looked at my leg and got a cloth to wash the blood, after he cleaned it and got the glass out I heard Pete come back in. We looked at the door to see Pete with a bloody nose "what happened?" I sniffled he shook his head "Nothing, I taught them a lesson or two on how they shouldn't treat my best friend like that." He replied, I just turned back to Patrick he gave me a curt nod, and With that Pete went down stairs, when he left I yawned and laid down on Patrick's bed a certain way so my leg wouldn't hurt. When I started to fall asleep, I felt Patrick put his arm over my waist, and felt him kiss my cheek, I turned around not caring about my leg and nuzzled into his chest "thank you Patrick." I said to him wearily I felt him put his arm around me and put his head on mine "I-I'd do anything for you." He replied with shyness in his voice, I opened my eyes and gave him a quick little kiss. I smiled and laid back down "Goodnight Patrick...I-I love you." I said, before I started to doze off I heard him whisper "I-I love you too, Y/N."
Told you it was kind of cheesy, but I tried my best to edit it. If you want me to do more tell me and it will encourage me to write more like this. Thanks!
- Toxic

A Protector (Patrick x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang