02 Do you suffer from Amnesia?!?!

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"But I don't want comfort. I want poetry. I want danger. I want goodness. I want sin."

                                                                          - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Ready to jab my fingers into his soul and get a very needful explanation I storm forward, annoyance clear as the day above on my face. I had glanced at the hood of my car while getting out and it was not good, not good at all. My precious car was damaged and it was the fault of the douchebag who continued to sit in his car.

 Unless this was like a hostage situation or immediate waist-down paralysis someone was going to get a mouthful from me.

My arms crossed and jaw clenched I lean against his car, which was just as damaged as mine if not less. Staring straight at the sunglass-covered eyes through the windshield, giving him my best, 'I can look right through you' look, I analyze him. If he actually cared about another person's life or jail time, he would have panicked which meant his daddy had pull and he got nothing to worry about and if he was concerned for the damage to his car, he was good at hiding it. Almost too good, he was too rigid for someone who just dangerously bumped into another car, he just might have a death wish.

After a good solid minute, the guy turns away his head and steps out of the stupid car.

He slowly walks towards me covering the small gap, a bored expression on his face, an air of nonchalance around him that made my blood boil as he slowly took off his aviators before coming to a stop right in front of me.

"Do you have an idea what breaks are used for?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Enlighten me" he speaks annoyed. His voice was enough for me to realize I was talking to a class A douchebag. 

"To stop your damn car from bouldering through someone else's and killing someone" I answer.

"Oh little princess's car is ruin. Maybe she should run to her daddy " he tried mocking me.

Well, the joke was on him cause I didn't have a dad. 

Too dark? 

Definitely. My inner self screams.

 If my eyes could incinerate someone, boy would he be a sludgy puddle by now, I think.

"It seems like the big brat wants a beating" I seethe.

"What are you going to do, mess me up?" he says mockingly looking down at me.

Even though I stood at a solid 5'8 which was taller than most girls this guy had an alarmingly huge figure. He wasn't bulky, rather he looked lean but his height would easily be around 6'5 making him more than a head taller than me.

He might have the dominating advantage of height but no one could compare to the sharpness of my tongue as I give him a once over before speaking.

"Ya because between the two of us only one of us has the balls and by the looks of it, it isn't you."

I see his eyes twitch as I notice the sliver of anger radiating through. 

All you had to do was talk about their tiny manliness and you could get these stupid creatures all riled up, I internally roll my eyes at the predictability.

We stare at each other for a minute.

Both our jaws clenched.

I couldn't help but notice the peculiar color of his eyes.

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