Code: Breaker

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So Elsword oneshot. Yeeeaaahh~

But its a long oneshot ^^ I think.

____ Code:Empress____

Something's wrong with Add. He hasn't come out of his room for days.  Something's not right.

"Elesis." I snap my fingers. The demon knight comes to my side.

"What is it now?" She inquires. "You know the dark el makes me extremely lazy."

"Don't you find it odd that Add hasn't come out of his room? He usually comes out and spends the day running through dungeons."

"He's probably just gotten into something really interesting. Maybe he figured out how to back up his Appocolyps."

"Maybe. But aren't you worried?"

"Worried? About Add? We don't need to worry about him."

I sigh. "I suppose you're right. We don't need to worry about him."

Two days later I hear thumping, late in the night. His room is next to mine. Don't know why I let that happen.

I summon Oberon and Ophelia. I'm aware that Add is - or was - after my codes. I can't leave myself unprotected whilst entering his domain, aka his room.

I walk into the hallway and stop outside his door, listening inside his room for anything abnormal. I hear nothing, so I knock. "Add?"

"What is it, Eve?" His harsh voice takes me aback.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He spits. "Go away, I'm working on something important."

"Add, you haven't come out of your room for days. You come out here, or I come in there. You choose."

"Urg." I hear him grumble. "Fine, I'll come."

"Good." I hear things moving around, things clanging. The door unlocks and Add opens the door.

His room is oh-so messy. Papers are littered everywhere. His hair looks like it hasen't been brushed in weeks. Which, given the circumstances, it probably hasn't.

"What have you been doing in here?"

"Listen, if you don't mind, this is important. I need to get back to work."

"I do mind, Add." I say. "What have you been doing in here?"

I can see he's tired, and I can see I've won. "Alright." He says. "Someone, somehow, sent me a virus. Imputed it into my programs. If I don't get rid of it as soon as possible, it'll infect me, and the people I've grown to love will be hurt. I will not do that. Do you understand me?"

"Let me help." I respond, looking at him. "Maybe I can help."

"No, this is something only I can do."

''And why is that?'' I ask. "You don't want your friends to get hurt? Then let me help."

"Why would you want to help?" Add says, avoiding eye contact. "You never want to help. As a matter of fact, you and the El boy try to make my life as miserable as hell. Why does now matter? Because your life may be in danger? I don't need anyone's help. Now if you'all excuse me, I need to get back to work." The door is slammed in my face and I hear ruffling, as if Add is trying to get back to his work space.

I sigh. "Its because I do care, you idiot." I mutter.

I dismiss Oberon and Ophelia and go back to bed.

The next night I try to bring him food. He doesn't want any of it. "But-!"

"I said NO!" He shouts. He wakes a sleeping knight.

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