The Perception and Thoughts

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Okay here's my theory on the possibilities we can't ignore or we never take the time to concept things. Did we ever think that people that are either in our government or any form of it. Could possibly be extraterrestrials or working under them. The ones that would like to either harvest our planet or colonize it. By doing things or making decisions that cause our extinction choosing political power, money, control etc over the people. Never allowing the trust of the people to hold this country or any country. Forcing people to hide and afraid to come fourth with the truth when the truth will build honesty trust within the community. They make claims of saving society making a difference for the greater good only to suck us in ans fool us. Fuck my pussy, you whore. Away to take the spotlight off of them, their way of being fake hidding incognito. So when theres no more humanity left. Certain important ones quote unquote leave earth. Leaving those unfortunate or less important to die.

Its like once they leave earth it'll be like hey alot of the people are dead. We brought it down now move in and harvest all that remains.
That's just my view and take on it cause so far humanity is bring upon its own demise. People are being "Robots" designed to follow certain life styles thats expected from the system. Cause that's all humanity is "programmed" Into everyone's neural subconscious cause its like follow the leader or monkey see monkey do. If everyone else has to then we have to cause that's what's expected. Now you can either bow down and do whats expected or go about your own path and find a life style that's easy and comfortable for you. Yet judgment, religion, expectations, morals and values has allowed humanity to lose itself due to lack of humanitarian by joining the picture instead of painting a new picture. Humanity is gone and only yet when we can wake up and see what we aren't seeing. Once we look past what's before us only then will we see the real picture and see what isn't seen. Once we open our eyes and see beyond our perception, what's projected before us and think outside the box on a much larger scale seeing what everything truly is only then we can see. We as human beings need to learn about life in the best to our experience and to the best to our advantage. We can either fight for our freedom, our freedom of expression, our freedom of beliefs, our freedom of creativity, our freedom of self respect, our freedom of inner spirit, our freedom to think for oneself. Once we allow us to be overruled and stripped from our freedom is when we no longer have our humanity. We must rise for the greater good for ourselves and know whats best for us. Just because a person has a badge or a piece of paper it dosent mean it represents true power only in a self perception but dosent truly hold true power over all. A god would have that right we are all humans playing house in real truth in a real sense once we all break it all down. We are all humans wearing masks and outfits. When someone like judges make the judgment rights of someone else. Know that only gods have that kind of authority, when we really think about it we are all human. The badge is just metal, the documents or contracts or job applications is just paper made from a tree. It has no actual hold or bind only by man's say but the earth and universe has more power. We are all just beings living and learning from a world a life we all can never know the true meaning. We never can know what exists out in space. Since we haven't even learned whats in our own backyard. We can never know what's real or what isn't only by what we see in the 3D perception before us. No ones to say what's true or false what's real or what isn't since we are all learning. This is my opinion, my perception, my views. You dont have to agree, you dont have to follow. It would be wrong for me to expect you too or that would make me a hypocrite. This is just me getting out some things that's been lurking in my head and been wanting to release it all. There's nothing wrong with having a different thought process or thinking alternatively. If we widen our thinking to different ways. It'll allow us to see things on a much wider perspective and or view but we can keep or maintain our normal thought process. It will allow things to be more smoother and less aggravating and save alot of issues.

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