𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"The Benefactor? Who's that?" Kaimana asked her sister, wondering why Areanna's smile was so wide like she herself had taken the Elixir of Euphoria.

"Oh silly me! The Benefactor is the leader of the rebellion! I told them all about you and that the first rebellion was all because of you! Come on, I'll take you to meet them now!" Areanna grabbed Kaimana and Jung-hwa's hands and tugged on them excitedly.

Kaimana and Jung-hwa allowed themselves to be dragged away by the puppy-like, little girl, "lead the way!"


Elysian strolled down the path, his shoulders slumped and head dropped to the ground to avoid drawing any unwanted attention meanwhile he continued to sneak glances at the environment around him. His brow naturally creased into a frown, not of anger but perplexity. Even here, a remote area of the town distant from the nearest factories, signs of havoc was rampant. The air smelt pungently strong of smoke. Elysian noted that the ground was dented slightly and small, black, snowflake-like droplets littered the rubbish beneath his feet. He lifted his head for a fleeting moment and saw the dirt black walks of the apartments vandalised with neon orange spray paint.

He walked closer to it out of curiosity and sketched his fingers across the rough exterior of the house, fingers tracing the shape of a luminous orange fire and finally he noticed the words at the top; 'Ignite Urbs Cinere, Ignite the revolution.'

He knitted his eyebrows and turned around, the same message was imprinted on almost every wall with the signature logo; a fire. An involuntary beam spread across Elysian's face as the realisation hit him in the face like a brick. This was actually happening. The rebellion was alive. That signified that every sacrifice that Elysian and Kaimana made was definitely worth it. Elysian felt his stomach bubbling with elation, he wanted to see more, he wanted to work more, he wanted to meet the people in the rebellion but just then as the humid draft drifted past his face the incongruity of the situation sank in.

If Urbs Cinere was in the middle of a rebellion then where was everybody?


They had to stick to the shadows and silhouettes of the side streets as Areanna led them away from the middle of the city to the outskirts. Areanna tentatively peered around before tapping a few buttons on one of the apartments which then caused a small gap in the rubbish-laden path to appear. Areanna rapidly ushered them inside, closely following them as the gap closed behind them, "welcome to the base!"

"You made a base... underground?" Kaimana asked, an amazed smile creeping across her lips as she looked around curiously.

Areanna nodded and led them down a dark corridor, "firstly, so the soldiers won't be able to find us and capture us but secondly it is a lot cooler down here when all the fires are burning and it's a lot safer from all the smoke."

"You've definitely planned this carefully," Jung-hwa chimed in with a small smile towards Areanna.

Arena blushed a dull crimson and shrugged her shoulders, "it's not just because of me, I only found this place because of Eirian."

"Who's Eirian?"

"I am!" A young woman resembling a pixie jumped out from nowhere. Her mahogany hair was cut short, a button nose, hazel eyes that twinkled, and a smirk that made her look rather mischievous. She threw an arm around Areanna's shoulders, "so who are this lot then?"

Areanna laughed, "Eirian! This is my sister who I was telling you about and her friend Jung-hwa."

"Nice to meet you both! Are you taking them to meet the Benefactor?" Areanna nodded in response so Eirian started walking, "follow me! I can take you to him!"

They stood before a plain door in a corridor lit with candles. Eirian firmly knocked on the door three times, "Benefactor, Areanna arrived back home and brought some new people with her that you would really want to meet, namely the one who started the rebellion."

Silence lingered heavily in the air for a few moments until a gruff voice spoke from inside the room, "enter." Eirian opened the door and entered first with the others walking inside after her. The room was still and dark. Kaimana could feel her heart beating violently in her chest, so hard she thought her heart might break out of her chest. "Kaimana... come here." The gruff voice spoke again in a low tone as the lights flickered dimly, only the dark silhouette of the Benefactor was visible. Kaimana approached cautiously as the Benefactor extended a hand to take his, the palm feeling rough in hers, and shook her hand gently but firmly. "Areanna's told me a lot about you. I've anticipated our encounter."

He then released her hand and bowed ninety degrees until his back was parallel with the floor. Kaimana, taken aback with surprise, looked around to find everyone else doing the same exact thing. Kaimana chuckled nervously, "um... what's going on?"

"You are the reason we are all here today and for that we thank you." Everyone stood up straight and the Benefactor pulled down his hood that had previously disguised his identity. He was a tall, elderly man with hazelnut hair and eyes, "this revolution wouldn't be here without you."

"I wouldn't be here without Elysian or Jung-hwa," Kaimana interjected, pulling Jung-hwa forward with her. "Elysian helped me start the riots and Jung-hwa saved us from when we were locked away in Civitas Lumaine."

All eyes left Kaimana and landed on Jung-hwa with various noises and words uttered in shock. "You're from Civitas Lumine?" The Benefactor asked Jung-hwa firmly, his facial expressions turned to stone. Jung-hwa gulped, suddenly his palms turning sweaty, unsure of whether it was the heat or nerves. As he nods the Benefactor nods his head slowly in thought, "perfect. This is exactly what we need; I was also born in Civitas Lumine but it's been too long since I last lived there. You can provide us with knowledge about Civitas Lumine which will help us. Are you willing to do that?"

Jung-hwa nods excitedly, "yes Sir! I'll do anything to help!"

The Benefactor nods, "Good. Well now we have everything we need, let's plan this rebellion."


A sinister sensation overcame Elysian, despite the humidity of Urbs Cinere, chills ran down his spine and goose pimples stuck up on his arms. He pulled his hood up and lowered his head, surely everyone was just working or hiding. He walked onwards, the rubbish crunching beneath his feet with each step he took. He peered into some of the apartments, keeping his ears perked up for any sound but still he didn't encounter any signs of life. The streets wind around in confusing patterns until Elysian overheard something, a sound of some sort. His spirits lifted and he picked up his pace, following the sound as it got louder. The sound formed into audible words and laughter.

'This must be the rebels!' Elysian thought, pulling down his hood again and running around the corner.

Immediately his spirits plummeted and his smile evaporated as he stood frozen to the spot. He hadn't found the rebels but he had accidentally recovered an army base. Before him stood several soldiers, their steely glares locked onto their target; Elysian. Like a deer in headlights, Elysian was trapped in his spot.

"Hey... isn't that one of the escaped prisoners from Civitas Lumine?" One of the soldiers questioned, pointing a finger towards him.

"It's him!" A soldier confirmed with a nod while another shouted, "get him!"

At that exact moment, adrenaline flooded his system and Elysian's survival instincts were in full flow. He broke into a sprint, running the way he had just come while the soldiers' steps thundered behind him like an angry stampede of buffaloes.

He weaved in and out of apartments in the hope of losing the soldiers. His heart hammered while his legs continued pumping to put as much distance between himself and the soldiers as possible. He glanced over his shoulder momentarily, relieved to see that no soldiers were on his tail until just then he collided into a strong force and collapsed onto the group.

"Here's here! I've got him!" A soldier shouts, forcefully grabbing Elysian's wrist, preventing him from fighting back. Elysian's strength was no match for the soldiers' power and when more soldiers appeared from around the corner, Elysian knew it was all over.

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