-Chapter 1-

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(Virgil Pov)

I just woke from a dream that I had for years now. About 6 years? I'm not sure anymore. Since I am now freely from school 6 years ago.

Memories that just had to came back. Memories that I want to be reunited with. Memories that I wish to be with. Especially that one night....


'Guys did you guys hear about prom that is helding at before graduation and tests?' said the excited Jasmine.
Name: Jasmine Haruno
Age : 17
Birthday : February 19
Sexuality : Lesbian
Group : RKsquad
Personality : flirty person and a bit smart.
'Yeah we heard. Don't need to shout for it!' I said and chuckle. 'Hey don't be mean Mama Al!' Said Jasmine, making a pout face. 'Well it's not entirely her fault either way, Jasmine.' said Liam.
Name: Liam Yuri
Age : 17
Birthday : March 25
Sexuality : Gay
Group : RKsquad
Personality : easily get flustered. Someone you can lean on and trust. Soft.
'Shut up Liam!' Jasmine yelled at Liam. Liam went behind Tyler and started crying, he doesn't like getting yelled at. 'Hey don't yell at Liam like that!' Tyler yelled back at her 'You know he doesn't like getting yelled at and that he gets easily scared because of it!'
Name: Tyler Bueno
Age : 17
Birthday : November 16
Sexuality : Gay
Group : RKsquad
Personality : Overprotective, can be rude to people, very lovable and supportive.
'Oh, Gomen Gomen Liam!' said Jasmine as she realize what she did, and regretting it. 'Sorry Liam, I forgot.' said Jasmine when stopped bowing and apoligizing to Liam. 'It's alright, Jasmine-chain.' said Liam while hugging Tyler, blushing at him. Tyler himself is blushing as well. Me, Jasmine, Luna and James just laughed at the couple. Even though they're not dating, they would make a pretty cute couple. They actually like each other to be honest.

And Me remembering them makes me wanna cry. Remembering those moments. It just hurts my heart. I didn't want to leave them! I miss them so much.

I though as a tear rolled down on my face. Then out of the sudden there was a knock on the door. I wiped my tears and got up and went to the door. 'Who is it?' I asked before opening the door. 'It's Patton!' I opened the door, to see it was actually roman. Pretending to be Patton. I was quite speechless about it. Why would Princy lie about him as Patton to just come to my room? I waved those thoughts and asked him. 'What do you want?' I said in a low tone. He looked at me right in a eyes and said 'Patton told me to tell you that breakfast is ready' then he left.

I closed my door. Thinking of what just happened. It was very nice of Patton but I know myself that he doesn't like me either, nor trust. A dark side asking to be a light side is quite suspicious fir them. It was quite obvious from their faces. Even Thomas himself doesn't trust me either. And I don't trust them too. Reasons: because the reason why I only joined the light sides is because to, stay away from deceit, protect my brother (Remy), and find a way back home. Where me and my friends and family will be reunited. I miss them so much.

I stopped thinking about those. And started changing. And then put on my eye shadows. I got out of my room and went to the kitchen to see, Logan reading a book, roman waiting for breakfast to be served, and Patton cooking for us.

'Good Morning there kiddo!' said Patton as he spotted me. Logan and Roman suddenly looked at me and glared. It kinda scares me a bit. Sometimes I feel gonna cry because of how much hate you can See in those eyes. But I just shrugged it off and said good morning back to Patton. Patton smiled. But I know myself that him himself doesn't like me either. I already accepted that for a long time now. I went to take my seat and just went to my phone and got a text. It was from my mom. Michael Emily-Afton.

Mom : Sweetie Are you okay?
'I'm fine mom'
Mom : hmmm, how about your brother?
'I haven't check on him since I just woke up'
Mom : I see. Did I bother something?
'No, mom. You didn't. Its just Pat cooking us break fast.'
Mom : Oh I see. When are you going to visit us?
'I can do that on the weekends I guess. Let's just hope that Thomas wont make a video.'
Mom : Oh sweetie. Are you sure your okay at where you are?
'Yes mom. I am perfectly fine'
Mom : Do they hurt you?
'They just insult sometimes mom. No need to worry that much.
Mom : Fine. But if they hurt please come home.
'I promise mom. Don't worry.'
Mom : okay then. I love you!
'I love you too'

End of our conversation. My Mom is very much of a worry kind of person. I turned off my phone and just to see them looking at me with concerned/confused eyes. 'Who were texting?' said Roman, in his low tone. 'N-no one important.' ugh! Now look! I just stuttered! In front at them! I got up from my seat and went to my room. Half way there, Patton asked where am u going. I told that I was going back to my room. And then asked what about my breakfast. I told him that I'll eat them later.

I layed at my bed. And wandered my mind in thoughts. Then I got bored and went to watch YouTube for hours. Then I got a sudden knock from my door. I groaned and got up from bed. I opened the door to only see Roman. 'What do you want?' I growled. 'You know exactly what I want.' he said, leaving me confused. I didn't know what he was talking about. 'What? I don't even know.' I said, still looking confused and tilt my head. 'I want answers.' he said in a low tone. I was shocked to hear but I am also wondering on what answer does he want from. I just hope is isn't personal. 'Fine.' I said as I opened the door more. He went inside and looked around. There was a big bed at the right side. Then 2 closets on the left side, which lead the Prince surprised on why I have 2 closets. He went to one of the closets. He went to the one where you can only see wooden drawers and nothing else. He went to the other closet and was amazed. The other closet has many mirrors and lots of drawers and stuffs are in there. And then he asked me 'How much stuff do you have?' he said, speechless. I just giggled. Then blush after realising what did I just did. I went to look up at Princy to see him. Smiling at me. I blush a little bit more. But snapped myself out of it. There's no way he will like me anyway. Plus he's gay. And I'm just a transgender and Non-binary person. 'So, what did you want to ask me about?' I asked, nervously. 'About you.' he answered. I was still kinda confused so I tilt my head--giving the sign that I'm confused. 'I want to get to know you.' I was surprised of what he said--was he joking or was he really interested on knowing me. 'What do you want to know me about?' I asked. 'Well what about your name?' he suggest. I swallowed. I sigh and said 'I'm not ready to tell yet. Plus if I tell you, it wouldn't be fair to the Logan, Patton and Thomas.' I said. 'Well, how about the one who you were texting with?' he said looking at me right in the eyes. 'It was.....' I hesitated.

'It was my mom.'


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