The start of it all

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It was such a journey after so many doctor visits, i finally felt that it was possible. Me and my husband would hopefully be parents. I have been dreaming of being a mother for years. Well as the first month passed i started to lose hope. We got legally married September 20th and i started to notice I wasn't feeling so great but every time I thought I was pregnant it was a big nope just false.

Well one Saturday I was out with my amazing sisters and their friend going to see the one direction movie. I drove us about an hour away to see it. I was excited to see it just not as much as them. Then the strangest thing happened i fell asleep ten minutes into the movie. I couldn't keep my eyes open. After the movie I was driving home it was 3 in the afternoon and I was falling asleep behind the wheel. My sister anita kept trying to keep me awake. I came home went to bed and slept the whole day. Sunday was walking dead so i felt like I had the flu all day. I ate a little but when I got home I couldn't stop vomiting. I talked myself into thinking it was the flu. Monday morning Oct 13 at 5:45 am I was up getting ready for work still feeling so tired. I decided before my husband gets home at 6 I will just take a test on my own. I waited so patiently when it read pregnant. I could not believe so i took two more. I sat on the floor and just cried from the joy the love I already felt for my baby. I couldn't wait to tell my husband i had to call him. Then immediately after I sent a picture of the stick to all my siblings. I didn't want to lose this baby or do anything wrong so i called my aunt who works at my obgyn asked to fit me in. When he said yes your pregnant he felt just as happy as i was i couldn't wait for my ultrasound. I had to wait three weeks for my first ultrasound. Dr. G wanted to wait to make sure the pregnancy held my due date was June 18th.

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