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Annabeth's POV

Tell me how I'm supposed to make it through the rest of the summer without Percy?

Due to some complications (ahem, Percy went to summer school), I've spent the last two weeks without my boyfriend, bored out of my mind, trying not to go insane.

Kill me now. Just kill me.

I lay on my bed, sad sighing at photos of Percy, when a certain daughter of Aphrodite barged into my room uninvited.

"Anna *wheeze* beth *gasp* I have *choke* good news *dies*!" Piper Mclean sputtered out, having run all the way from the Bighouse to the Athena cabin.

"Jeez Pipes, come sit down and tell me what happened." I set the photos aside and patted an empty space on my bed.

She took a few seconds to be able to speak. "We're all going to Percy's high school this upcoming school year!"

I stood up abruptly, almost banging my head on the top bunk "ARE YOU SERIOUS??" I shrieked, causing Piper to cover her ears in pain.

I shook her violently. "I saaaaaiiid, 'ARE YOU SERIOUS'??"

"Stop- shaking- me!"

"Oh, sorry," I removed my grip from her shoulders.

"Ok first of all, ow. Second of all, yes! You, me, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, The Stolls, Katie, Reyna, Thalia, Nico, Will, and Calypso are all coming. And apparently, the gods built us a huge mansion to stay in while we're there. Turns out, if you whine long enough about going to school, the Greek gods will reward you with a million-dollar mansion. Who knew?"

"Pretty sure that's called charmspeak, Pipes," I laughed.

"Eh, still works." She replied.

Maybe this won't be so boring after all. I get to spend time with all my friends and Seaweed Brain all at once!

Leo's POV

Thank Zeus I don't have to spend the rest of the year at Camp Half-Blood. Not to say I don't love it here, because I do. But a recent project of mine may or may not have lead to the complete and utter destruction of the dining pavilion. Hehe, whoops. A pissed-off cabin full of beefed-up siblings is not something on my Amazon wishlist.

I'm not so sure how I felt about going to a real high school. I've had my past experiences with schools and boy oh boy, I think I'm cursed. Why do I say this? Well, I went to a foster kid school and the people there really weren't too nice. Plus, there was the Wilderness School. I can only hope that this new school isn't as bad as the other ones. And if it's anything like the cliche high schools you see in cliche early 2000's movies, I'm out.

Piper's POV

The day finally came. We were all going to Goode High! Everyone gathered to the front of the Big House and walked together to the Camp entrance, where we met Argus with... is that a limousine? As much as I dreaded the 3-hour car ride with both Leo and the Stolls, the fancy limo was enough to convince me. No bags were needed since Aphrodite would be providing us with all our essentials. Thanks, mom!

I took a seat next to Annabeth and my boyfriend, Jason. Jason took my hand in his and gave me a soft smile, accentuating that perfect scar above his lip. I gave his hand a squeeze, letting him know that whatever challenges we would have to face in this new school, we would get through it together. The twinkle in his blue eyes let me know he knew the same.

I laid my head down on his broad shoulders. We stayed like that the whole ride.

Nico's POV

I was nervous, to say the least. I was going to a whole new school, who wouldn't be nervous. Perhaps the problem was that I hadn't been to a real school since I was in fourth grade and well, we all know how that went for me.

No, yeah. That was definitely the problem.

As long as the principal didn't turn into a manticore, I would fair pretty well. Actual, scratch that. It would be totally awesome if the principal did that.

Calypso's POV






High school is going to be the death of me!

It's full of bullies, tests, bullies, fancy rich people, bullies, bullies, grades, did I mention bullies?

Leo promised me that I shouldn't worry about bullies because 'Fear not, the Super-sized McShizzle Man will save you!'

And don't get me wrong, I love Leo, but he is definitely not super-sized. He lacks upper body strength, lower body strength, and overall any body strength.

There isn't much I can do about it though. I'll just have to mcshizzle my way to the top.

Annabeth's POV

After that horrifyingly long car ride to Manhattan, we were all glad to get out of that limo. I thanked Argus and stepped out, feasting my eyes on a breathtaking mansion...

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