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"3AM", Kitsuki muttered to herself, checking her clock. The air had an eerie feel to it. Not just the typical, creepy feel you get when staying up late. It was a more intense feeling than that. Staying up this late wasn't anything new to Kit, she was used to it. But today, it felt off. I suppose I could check outside my room before sleeping, just to make sure nothing's off. She left her bed, the wooden floor creaking beneath her feet as she walked to open her door. Upon cracking it open slowly, she saw a shadowy figure, holding a baseball bat, and that's the last thing that was in her vision before losing consciousness.

"H..huh..? What happened...?" Kit awoke, peeling her eyes open to the room she was in. It was dark.. or at least, had a dark feel to it. After her eyes had adjusted, she could tell there were others in the room. At least 5 others.

"Time enough for you to wake up" A kid sneered from across the room. "You were asleep forever, you purple cat girl looking bitch!" The girl laughed, extending a hand to help Kit stand up. To her surprise, she actually let Kit get up. "Hahahahah!! Now, who are you, I helped you so you need to tell me now!!!" Before Kit could even rub her head and analyze the situation, the other girl was demanding information from her.

"Hey, how about we all introduce ourselves first? I think that's better... let's go in a circle." Someone spoke in the corner of the room, smiling softly at Kit.

"Ugh, you again!?" The kid who'd insulted Kit huffed. "You know what, fine, let's just get this over with. You go first." She pointed at the girl with blue hair, who'd suggested the introduction circle.

She had light, long and silky, blue hair, and emerald green eyes. Her cheeks were tinted with a rosy blush, and she had a black ribbon tied around her neck in a bow. On her head was a white ribbon headband. Her outfit seemed like a typical school uniform, but with light blue accents. Her skirt was also the same light blue colour. "Oh, alright, I'll go. I'm Akito. I'm bad at introducing myself, but I guess I can say a bit." She flashed a sweet smile before continuing. "My favourite colours are blue and green, and my hobbies are playing murder mystery games.. I've gotten pretty good at being a detective for them, and my friends usually count on me to solve mysteries for them now." She chuckled.

Attention turned to a boy standing across from her. "Hey, if you're a detective, or whatever, couldn't you help us find out whatever the hell's going on here?" He was about medium size, no bigger than average. He wore what seemed like a waiters outfit, with lace tied around his neck. His eyes were dark brown, with his hair being a similar colour. It was brushed neatly to shape his face. His skin tone was also noticeably darker than the others in the room.

"It isn't that easy, you know? It takes time to solve a mystery." Akito remarked at him, eyes seeming to hint at annoyance.

The guy then, instead of talking back, just responded calmly. "I should introduce myself now then, huh? Well, I'm Touka. I'm a waiter at St. Takashis. My dad runs the place, so I'm like a cook, manager, and waiter combined into one. It's a lot of work, but still fun." He gave an optimistic look and grin, directing his eyes to a girl next to him. "How about you go now?" He asked. She slowly nodded.

"Uhm, well, hello, I'm Kara." The girl spoke. She had shoulder length wavy hair. Half was green and half was pink. Her eyes were also this same colour pattern. She wore a loose, oversized white sweater that hung off her shoulders. "I don't know what I'm doing here~ and I'm not very interesting, so I don't know what to say, but, I do work at an art shop, it's nice to meet everyone"

After Karas introduction, everyone began to introduce themselves quicker.

First was Fujiko, a guy who supposedly was the leader of a mafia, but seemed pretty friendly for it. After him was Tsubaki, a skeptical, annoyed girl, who refused to say anything about herself. After her was Ryoko, who didn't give much information besides his name, due to him being nervous. After him, Hikari, who was hostile and rude. Then, lastly Mizuchi, who was confident, despite being an idiot.

After those introductions, two were left.

"Ah, my turn?" Kitsuki laughed awkwardly, looking to see the others turned toward her. "Well, I'm Kitsuki, but you can call me Kit. I like to read and watch anything horror, so thats an interesting fact about me. I also like the colour purple." She grinned at them.

Kitsuki had short, neatly cut purple hair with two white horns made from it. Her eyes were also purple, and she had messy bangs brushed over her forehead. In those bangs were two hairpins, one black and one white. She wore a white sweater with a black jacket over it.

Now it was the last introduction. The girl who'd been insulting everyone previously. "Uuuuugh" She groaned, looking around. "It's my turn now, right? Well, I'm Mari. That's all you get to know, figure out the rest yourself, I dare you" She chuckled, then gazed at everyone and snickered under her breath. "Eh, I doubt you'd be able to, so I'll tell you. I'm the leader of the track team at Bryson HS, and my favourite colours red." She finished.

Mari had short, messy hair, half red with pink streaks and the other half pink with red streaks. She was wearing a red track outfit, and her eyes were dark pink, close to red. She also wore a red headband with devil horns on it.

After her introduction, there was a buzzing noise coming from the intercom in the top of the room. "Bzzzt, bzzzt" It beeped before a staticky sounding voice spoke. "Hello? Is this on, perfect! Now that you've all introduced yourselves.. The killing game will begin."

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