History to be Retold

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??? POV

You woke up to something cold and wet nudging you, your eyes were blurry and hazy as you slowly sat up. You rub your head and looked over to a white wolf, you immediately got scared and scooted away till you were up against the tree which only made the wolf tilts it's head in confusion. You hugged your knees to your chest till you managed to calm down. The wolf took notice of you being wary and took caution as it slowly stepped closer to you, you noticed it had something in it's mouth, it was meat, you were confused in why a stray wolf have brought you food as the wolf dropped it before backing away at a good distance.

 The wolf took notice of you being wary and took caution as it slowly stepped closer to you, you noticed it had something in it's mouth, it was meat, you were confused in why a stray wolf have brought you food as the wolf dropped it before backing...

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You stared at the wolf as you cautiously approached the meat, keeping your eyes deadlock on the wolf in case it did anything and after grabbing it, you immediately backed away. You began to eat the meat, hungrily like a starved animal that wondered the forest for days, looking for food, you didn't know why you were this hungry but you left some either way as you held out a quite a bit of leftover to the wolf. The wolf perks up and walked over to you, cautiously as to not to scare you before taking the meat into it's mouth and backing away to eat it.

You stared at the wolf as it calmly ate the meat till there was nothing but bone, you decide to slowly approach the wolf and hesitated before petting it, you were suddenly at awe as how soft it's fur was, so you continued to pet it. The wolf looked up at you and you immediately moved your hand away.

"So... what's... what's your name...?" You ask timidly as the wolf just stared at you, "Of course you can't talk... what was I thinking...?" You mutter to yourself before hugging your legs, "What should I call you..?" You asked gently as you let the white soft wolf's fur.

Months have passed, you traveled around different forests and towns on the wolf's back, who you've named Skir, after figuring out it was a female. It never ceases to amaze you in how fast Skir was running at a inhuman speed and definitely not a normal wolf speed, you gripped onto Skir's fur for dear life but soon got used to it over the months. You figured out you were 4 years old, no parents, no family of some sort and definitely no home, you didn't remember much but it was more likely amnesia and you didn't bother to search for your past.

Once Skir came to a stop, you rested near a cave and stared a small fire pit to keep yourself warm, you started to finish up your hunting bow that you began a while back, you were just missing a few items. You were about to finish before hearing, what sounded like a kids voice.

"Hey, whatcha got there?" He asked rather cheerfully as you swung around.

He is exceptionally short, with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes. He also lacks facial hair, further accentuating his adolescent appearance. Regardless of his stature and youthful looks, he is relatively muscular, possessing an array of well-developed abdominal muscles. He often wears an ordinary, clean white button-front shirt and a black sleeveless vest on top with a loosely worn tie.Without any socks, he wears a pair of black boots.(couldn't find the picture of what clothes he was wearing the past, so this was the best I could do, sorry 😓)

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