Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4: Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀᴛ Lɪɴᴇ

143 4 0

Once they got there Kat was feeling nervous and excited, for Raven she was calm, everyone was so amazed because how big the Battle canter was, some was and some were excited.

Then the two girls heard a voice.

"She looks like she trying to Focus on the trails ahead, what are going to do? Distract her and ruin her chances to succeed?" A boy said.

'Hey isn't that midorya?' Kat thought, while turning around.

Then he started to freak out and seems like he was trying to explain something.

"Hey over there that's the guy who almost bitted(?) out earlier, in the lecture hall." A guy said.

"He practically wet himself earlier." A another guy said.

"Dude what a loser, well one less Rival to worry about I guess." A another ANOTHER guy said.

Midorya looked down, an sad expression on his

"Alright let's start!" The 'school DJ' said into the mic.

"Get moving there are no count downs in real battles!" He yelled.

"Run, run run! Your wasting your time!"

Than everyone started running into the battle center.

Kat and Raven gravity shifted into the air and and shifted forward fast.

Everyone was already smashing/destroying robots, Kat and Raven worked as a team and getting points together.

Kat and Ravens points:

Then a robot was going to attack Midorya and Kat notice and gravity shifted over to him fast along with the raven, both of the girls used a combo attack and destroyed the robot that was worth 1 point.

Now they have 39 points.

"Your welcome!" Kat yelled and flew off with Raven.

They kept destroying robots in a pattern I guess it when like:
2 points
1 point
3 points
1 point
1 point
3 points
And it kept going something like that.

Now everyone was fighting over who would destroy what robot.

Now they had 64 points.

Until the ground started shaking and a big dust cloud popped out of the ground and it was a big robot that was told to 'avoid' and everyone looked over at the direction.

The big robot punched into the ground and causing the ground to shake very hard and causing strong wind to blow in there direction, everyone screamed except for a few people, everyone was running the other direction and trying to get out of there.

As were Kat and Raven were gravity shifting out of there they noticed Midorya trying to crawl out of there but couldn't, so the girl shifted down where Midorya was and helped him up until there heard a "Ow!" And shot their heads in the direction and there was a short brown hair stuck underneath a rock.

There was 2 minutes remaining.

Kat ran over to her and used her Stasis field to pick up the rock that was crashing the brown haired girl.

Then Midorya got up and ran towards the robot, and he jumped in the air very high in the air and it blew away the dust in the air and now able to see clearly.

Midorya than punched the robot very hard and knocking over the robot to the ground

Everyone was surprised.

But then he was falling and won't be able to survive the fall, he started screaming while falling down.

"Raven!" Kat screamed.

Mʏ Gʀᴀᴠɪᴛʏ Rᴜsʜ Aᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ (Mʏ Hᴇʀᴏ Aᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ x Gʀᴀɪᴛʏ Rᴜsh 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora