𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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You see, Robin and Glorfindel had made plans to prank people the whole morning.

After yesterday's events, her friends had made an effort to get her mind off things. The council wouldn't start again after lunch, so they had been running through the kingdom pranking like it was their sole purpose.

Everything was going relatively well, until they had decided on the next target: Prince Amroth.

"Do you have the glitter?"

"Yep. Do you have the glue?"

"Yes, captain."

"Good. Watch out for him while I mix this in the bucket."

"Hurry up, I think he's coming!"

"I'm doing what I can. It's not my fault this is so sticky!" Robin complained, trying to get some of the glitter out of her hands. "Okay, I think I'm done."

"So let's review the plan. You distract him as I empty the bucket on him. When he notices, run for your life! We'll meet at the stables." Directed Glorfindel, and Robin nodded.

"Remember, the code is disco ball." Glorfindel nodded, and gave her a thumbs up. They both giggled maniacally.

Glorfindel carried the bucket to the balcony, ready to throw the glitter. Meanwhile, Robin hurried to the garden below the balcony.

She pretended to be interested in the flowers and plants as she awaited the Prince's arrival. Her ears picked up as she heard his voice and smirked wickedly, and as she was preparing to turn and greet him, she heard the other voice.

That voice...

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What the fuck was the royal pain in the ass doing there?

This had definitely not been a part of the plan, but she could definitely work with the new circumstances.

"... And then when I threw you to the ground-" The voice grew quiet as her presence was noticed. She put on her most charming smile and turned to face her victims.

"Oh, hey! Prince Amroth, I wasn't expecting you around here." She exclaimed and strode happily towards them.

"Lady Robin, what a wonderful sight. I wasn't expecting you here either." He answered, trying to hide his suspicion. He had heard of the havoc she and the Balrog Slayer had been causing around the kingdom that fine morning. He turned towards his companion, acknowledging his presence. "Prince Thranduil and I were just coming from the training grounds."

"Ah, yes." She eyed him up and down. "The famous Woodland Prince."

"Lady Robin, it's nice to make your acquaintance." Thranduil exclaimed, his face cold, not giving away his true feelings.

"Likewise." She muttered, and gave a very forced smile. Amroth obviously noticed the tension, and tried to play peacemaker.

"Try not to mind my friend, dear Lady. He's just pouting because I defeated him during our wrestling contest." Thranduil rolled his eyes and immediately started contradicting him, but Robin took a chance to make her move.

"Oh, so the snappy attitude is not a personality trait?" Amroth laughed openly, but Thranduil immediately scowled. He was about to speak, but Amroth beat him to it.

"Yeah, one can assume that at first sight. But once you get to know him, you'll see that he has more of a versatile personality."

"So there's more than just the mood swings?" She raised an eyebrow. Thranduil's annoyance increased by the minute. "I have to admit that seems very unlikely."

𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝 ~ 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐢𝐥Where stories live. Discover now