
133 2 14

February 1st


"I'm really stressed." I said quietly as I sat down on Laura's bed. It's 2am and I still couldn't figure it out how to court Frank.

Mission impossible aye?

Speaking of which, I never had a chance to have his phone number. I thought I have everyone's phone number since.

"Ugh. Why did I even agree to this? I really should have reject it." I muttered to myself. It seems like even my ego is slightly going down because of this agreement.

I can't seem to comprehend what is happening right now. I'm stressing over something that can't be stopped.

"I really need some sleep." I said.

"Yes you do, idiot." Laura muttered under her breathe. Seems like she's awoken by my voice.

"I'm sorry if I destroyed your beauty sleep." I sarcastically said.

"Apology not accepted." She replied as I rolled my eyes. I hide under the sheets of the bed as I try to slumber.

And it seems like I can't get asleep because of one guy.


"Morning bitch. Time to wake up. You look horrible while sleeping." Laura said sarcastically which I took note that I will punch that face of hers later.

"Shut the fuck up. Aren't you suppose to annoy someone else?" I hissed under my breathe. My eyes adjusted to the surrounding as I opened my eyes.

"I'm suppose to annoy you. Since you're one of my special guests, I want you to cook our breakfast or else..." She paused and slightly smirked.

"Or else what?" I raised my eyebrow at her stupefied face.

"You'll walk your way to school." She grinned so wide that even the evil witches can get killed by her "killer smile".

And take note, it will take me 45 minutes if I walk my way to school and I'm too lazy to walk. I can't even stand properly.

She realized that I'm slightly frightened about what she have said and grinned even more.

"So... take it or leave it?" She said and I groaned hard. Mondays do suck.


"Remind me why do I do this?" I said.

"Because you're an idiot." She laughed and I yelled "fuck off" at her. I'm half glad that she stopped and half annoyed that she's making stupid face expressions.

We never know what's happening in that evil brain of hers. We never know that she's planning on torturing me later. This made my body shook in disgust.

I finished cooking the food I made, which consists of bacon, egg and fried rice or what Laura called, "Asian Rice". I hand her a plate full of it which she gladly accept. She seems so weird right now.

"Spill out bitch. What's wrong with you?" I said. She grinned again and that made me think to myself that I should have punch her awhile ago when I have the chance.

I should have grab the opportunity when it can be reached by hands.

"As much as I enjoy looking at your messed up grinning face, I want to know why are you grinning like a madman?" I said sarcastically that made her chuckle.

Gosh, she laughs like an choking horse.

"I'm sorry sissy but I have an idea on how you'll catch Frank's attention." She proclaimed. I groaned loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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